ESDU Aero W.05.01.01: this program calculates the kinetic pressure in the wake behind an unswept wing.
The Data Item method applies to conditions near the plane of symmetry on an unswept wing with fully attached flow (i.e. for lift coefficients in the linear range with variation of angle of attack) at low speeds.
The method applies to the vortex sheet behind an unswept wing alone.
Initially, the Data Item method produces dimensionless values for wake thickness (measured normal to the freestream) and the kinetic pressure in the median plane of the wake, both parameters being determined via use of the wing profile drag coefficient and dimensionless distance aft of the trailing edge of the wing root.
The variation of the kinetic pressure through the wake thickness is then determined.
Finally, the position of the median plane averaged over the central 30% of the wing span (in the absence of a fuselage) is found.
Note: The user should consult ESDU Aero W.05.01.01 for full specification and discussion of the configurations and flow conditions covered by the data used in the derivation of the method, and additional advice on the applicability.
{{tba | json}}