This Toolbox calculates the drag coefficient for either a single or double row of rivet heads transverse to the free-stream or for an isolated rivet head. The program follows the method of ESDU 76008 with graphical data held in digital form. The data on which the graphical correlations are based were obtained from wind-tunnel tests of rivet heads of height to diameter ratios between 0.2 and 0.5 for Mach numbers less than 0.5 and of rivet heads of height to diameter ratio of 0.2 only at Mach numbers of 0.8, 1.4 and 2.2.
The sketch below shows single and double-row rivet geometry.
Note: The user should consult ESDU 76008 for full specifications and discussions of the configurations and flow conditions covered by the data used in the derivation of the method, and additional advice on the applicability.
For the precise definition of each input and output parameter see Section 1: Notation and Units, of ESDU 76008.
{{tba | json}}