This app provides the increment in the zero-lift drag coefficient of a wing due to the deployment of plain trailing-edge flaps. The increment is to be used within the prediction method for the wing total drag coefficient over the range of total lift coefficient where there is a parabolic variation. The anticipated form of the parabolic variation is implicit in the empirical correlation. The accuracy of the method is assessed as within ±0.015 on the drag coefficient increment. The traditional allowance for the effect of wing sweep is followed.
Note: The user should consult ESDU 06014 for full specification and discussion of the wing-flap systems and flow conditions covered by the data used in the derivation of the method, and additional advice on the applicability.
{{occ.oodleCore.utils.valPrintFormatted(elem.row[0], 'f', 2)}} | {{occ.oodleCore.utils.valPrintFormatted(elem.row[1], 'p', 4)}} | {{occ.oodleCore.utils.valPrintFormatted(elem.row[2], 'p', 4)}} |
{{tba | json}}