ESDU A-Z Index: V-VZ

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| V-VZ |

Suitability of Various Dry Rubbing Materials for Use in
carbon, polymer, thermoset, solid lubricant impregnated metal, 87007
Vacuum Limit
Pressure Coefficient, 98026
To Wing Leading-Edge Suction
effect on lift dependent drag in subsonic flow, 95026
effect on lift dependent drag in supersonic flow, AERO W.S.02.03.02
see also
Pressure Drop in Gas- or Vapour-Liquid Internal Flow
Pressure Drop in Internal Flow
Prediction of Pressure Change in Pipeline After Closure
Pipes with Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Gas (and Steam) Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Liquid Internal Flow
Van Dyke's Second Order Theory
Velocity Distribution
on aerofoils, 72025
on bodies, AERO B.S.02.03.01
In Bends
design information, 83037
optimum location for one or two in circular-arc, 83037
pressure drop in circular-arc with optimum splitter location, 83037
Use to Improve Diffuser Performance
recommendations for geometry, 87015
static pressure recovery improvement achieved, 87015
Vane-Type Flowmeters
Pressure Drop Across, 66030
Vane Vortex Generators
For Control of Shock-Induced Separation
analysis of use on fuselage to control cabin noise, 87012, 93026
analysis of use on wind-tunnel wing model to decrease separation, 93026
analysis of use on wing to improve buffet manoeuvre boundary, 93026
aspect ratio, height and incidence setting for effective use, 93025
chordwise position, lateral spacing and extent of array required, 93024, 93025
consideration of contribution to drag with worked example, 93024
control of corner flow, 93024
decay and dissipation of vortices, 93024
flowchart for step-by-step guide to design of an array, 93025
limits of possible control on aerofoils and wings, 93024, 93025
possible multiple arrays, 93024
use in combination with fences, 97017
use of wind-tunnel tests to assess effectiveness, 93024
vortex path and effect of mixing for counter-rotating array, 93024
vortex path, spacing and decay for co-rotating array, 93024
Use to Improve Diffuser Performance
recommendations for geometry, 87015
static pressure recovery improvement achieved, 87015
Boiling Flow in Pipes
Falling Film Evaporation
Variable Area Flowmeters
Pressure Drop Across, 66030
Vectored-Jet-Thrust Aircraft
see also
Ski-Jump Performance
Appropriate Non-Dimensional Quantities for Performance, 87037
derivation for partially-jet-borne flight and for short take-off, 87037
Jet-Induced Aerodynamic Effects
lift-loss in free-air hover and forward flight, 87037
Use of Free-Air Hover Weight as Performance Parameter, 87037
Use of Partially-Jet-Borne Flight Test Results in Performance Estimation, 87037
Axes Transformation, 67004, 67036, 78038, 85030, 86041, 98024
Measurement in Flight
Anemometric Data Correction
Relationship Between Air-Path, Flight-Path and Wind, 79018
Velocity Distribution
see also
Pressure Distribution
program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
Bodies of Revolution at Zero Incidence
variation with body geometry, 78037
variation with flow conditions, 78037
In Wake Behind Wing, AERO W.05.01.01
Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
mean values in flow away from surface, 80025
Velocity Profile
see also
Boundary Walls and Fences
Hoardings (Elevated Above Ground Level)
Profile Factors
Calculation for Wind Near Ground, 01008, 82026, 84011
effect of topographical features, 01008, 82026
effect of upwind terrain roughness, 01008, 82026, 84011
over specific terrains, 70015, 71016, 79026, 80003, 81017
program, 01008
Effect of Upstream and Downstream on Static Pressure Loss in Incompressible Flow
through sudden contraction of duct area with or without edge rounding, 05024
Effect on Mean Forces, Moments and Pressures on Bluff Bodies
Shear Flow
Effect on Noise Measurements Near Ground, 89036
Effect on Sound Power Attenuation in Lined Annular or Rectangular Straight Ducts
with subsonic flow, 00024
Effect on Sound Power Attenuation in Lined Circular Straight Ducts
with subsonic flow, 00012
Naturally-Developed Flow
effect on performance of annular diffusers, 75026
effect on performance of conical diffusers in compressible flow, 90025
effect on performance of conical diffusers in incompressible flow, 73024
effect on performance of plane-walled diffusers, 74015
effect on performance of sudden enlargement of section, 72011
Naturally-Developed Flow in Circular-Section Ducts
kinetic energy coefficient at various stations, 73024
Naturally-Developed Flow in Rectangular- or Square-Section Ducts
blockage parameters at various stations, 74015
Non-Naturally-Developed Flow
effect on performance of diffusers, 76027
Ventilated Wind-Tunnels
Wind-Tunnel Corrections for Aerofoils
Wind-Tunnel Testing
Ventilating Systems
Cooling and Ventilation Systems
Noise in Air-Conditioning Duct Systems
Venturi Tubes
Pressure Drop Across, 66030
Viscous Garabedian and Korn Method
The estimation of turbulent boundary layer power-law velocity and q profiles from shape factor and momentum thickness, 18009
Toolbox Implementing the VGK Method, VGK
Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series
Location of Items in ESDU Series, 00011
Record of Amendments to Items in ESDU Series, 00011
Box Structures
Crossflow Heat Exchangers
Curved Rectangular Plates
Curved Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
Curved Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
Cylinders of Circular Section (Strength and Vibration)
Double Lock Nuts
Flat Panels in General
Flat Rectangular Plates
Flat Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
Flat Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
Flat Specially-Orthotropic Square Plates
Flat Square Plates
Force Limited Random Vibration Testing
Modal Density
Noise in Air-Conditioning Duct Systems
Non-Destructive Examination
Pipes with Internal Flow
Random Vibrations
Response of Buildings and Structures
Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
Response of Lightweight Structures
Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchangers
Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series
View Factors
Radiation Heat Transfer
Types Available to Characterise Rheological Behaviour of Non-Newtonian Fluids
advantages and disadvantages of each, 95012
calculation of shear stress and shear rate, 95012
coaxial cylinder, cone and plate, parallel plate, rotating disc, tube, 95012
criteria for selection of appropriate type, 95012
errors and their correction, 95012
Viscoplastic Fluid
Non-Newtonian Fluids
see also
Dynamic Viscosity
Kinematic Viscosity
Non-Newtonian Fluids
definition, 68036, 71003
table of values showing relationship with kinematic viscosity, 71003
Viscous Full Potential
Full-Potential (FP) Method for Three-Dimensional Wings and Wing-Body Combinations - Inviscid Flow
evaluation of trailing-vortex drag and wave components, 06016
full-potential with frozen boundary layer, 11007
method with improved estimates of body lift and drag contributions (FPIBE), 06015
pre-processor to represent effect of fore- and aft-body shape on wing flow, 10014
Principles and results, 02013
use of FP and related programs, 02014
Viscous Full-Potential (VFP) Method for Three-Dimensional Wings and Wing-Body Combinations
excrescence drag modelling, 23013, TM 214
use of VFP and related programs, 13012
validation of VFP results with experiment and comparisons with other methods, 13013
VFP error messages, failures and suggested remedies, 13014
Viscous Garabedian and Korn Method
Computer Programs, VGK
for predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of a two-dimensional single-element aerofoils in a subsonic and high-transonic freestream, VGK
Extension to Viscous Flow for Computation of Pressure Distribution on Aerofoils, 81019
application of VGK to separation prediction, 97030
comparison of excrescence drag magnification factor results with those from BVGK, 98031
comparison of results obtained for predicted separation with experimental data, 97030
comparison of results with results from other theories and experiment, 96028
evaluation of excrescence drag magnification factor due to pressure gradient, 87004, 98031
influence of grid size on results, 96028
influence of values of variable parameters in program on results, 96028
introduction to and outline of method, 96028
prediction of separation boundary, 81020, 97030
prediction of separation boundary directly, 92008
use for section design with specified upper-surface pressure distribution, 99032
user manual, 96029
use to determine effect of deflecting sealed leading- and/or trailing-edge plain flaps, 01033
use with multivariate gradient search program for drag minimisation, 00022, 00023, 01024, 99019, 99020, 99021
Velocity Distribution on Aerofoils, 79009
Viscous Lag
Anemometric Data Correction
Viscous Planing
Planing of Aircraft Tyres
Vortex Generators
see also
Vane Vortex Generators
Discussion and Illustration of Various Possible Types, 93024
Vortex Lift
Discussion of Effect on Pitch-Break Characteristics of Wings, 01005
From Leading-Edge Suction Analogy, 95025, 96025
Vortex Shedding
Bluff Bodies
description of process, 71012
Circular-Section Cylinder Normal to Flow
see also
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
Strouhal Number
characteristics of response, 79025
regions of interference with second cylinder, 79025
Cylindrical Body at Angle of Attack to 60 Degrees
vortex separation points in supersonic flow, 91042
Effect of Side-Edge on Drag Due to Rectangular Cavity in Supersonic Flow, 00006
Multi-Sided Section Structures Symmetrical to Wind
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
see also
Trailing Vortex Drag
Vortex Shedding
Wing-Body Combination at Angles of Attack to 60 Degrees
effect on wing normal force at supersonic speeds, 91042
Diphenyl Ether/biphenyl Eutectic Solution
V/stol Aircraft
Helicopter Noise
Helicopter Performance Analysis
Vectored-Jet-Thrust Aircraft

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| V-VZ |