MMPDS-2024 Volume II

Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS):
Volume II: Process Intensive Materials and Joining Technologies


This document has not been validated by ESDU. It is provided to our users as a useful reference source.


Volume II of The Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS) Handbook is a source for process intensive metallic material allowables and guidelines. The applicability of the material allowables published in this document are substantively different from those published in the companion Handbook for conventional alloys and joining systems, MMPDS Volume I (including all releases of MIL-HDBK-5). The "S," "C," and "D" basis material allowables in MMPDS Volume II are not to be used directly in designs without further substantiation beyond the guidelines described in this Handbook. There may be situations (part criticality, availability of companion data, etc.) when the data found within this Handbook will be insufficient as the sole basis for further showing per the regulatory authority. In the context of this Handbook, further showing1 means providing additional evidence for validating the applicability of MMPDS material allowables to a specific certification criterion or application, the extent of which may vary with application and the regulatory authority's requirements.

Therefore, refer to the appropriate regulatory agency (Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the cognizant Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense (DoD), or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)) for further requirements and final determination on the use of these allowables and on the applicability of other data, including fatigue, crack growth, and stress-strain curves.

This document contains information on the mechanical and physical properties of process intensive metallic materials used in aircraft and aerospace vehicle structures. As with MMPDS Volume I, all information contained in this Handbook has been reviewed and approved using a standardized process. The development and ongoing maintenance process involves certifying agencies, including the FAA, DoD, and NASA, and major material suppliers and material users worldwide. The information and procedures in this Handbook are continuously reviewed, and modified or removed as determined to be appropriate. With advances in materials, and with the review process of existing information, periodic updates of MMPDS Volume II should be expected. As such, it is recommended that the latest version of MMPDS Volume II be used.

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MMPDS-2024 Volume II
  • PDF
  • Original, issued 01 Jul 2024
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