ESDU FAT E.05.07
Endurance of bonded double strap joints. (Aluminium alloy sheet material; phenolic resin/vinyl powder glue, tensile loading.)
ESDU Fat E.05.07 presents curves of alternating stress against endurance obtained from an analysis of 130 constant amplitude room temperature tests of joints in sheet 0.128 in (3.3 mm) thick with straps 0.08 in (2 mm) thick glued over a length of 1 in (25 mm). The stress ratio lay between zero and 0.67. The clad sheet material was naturally-aged Al-Cu-Mg L72, and artificially-aged Al-Cu-Mg L73 and Al-Zn-Mg DTD 687A. Four mean endurance curves are given for failure in the glue, each for one pair of values of adherend and strap thicknesses. In addition a curve is also included for failure in the adherend. The average shear stress in the glue for a given joint geometry and tensile stress in the adherends may also be read off the curves.Indexed under:
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