ESDU Aerodynamics Series
The ESDU Aerodynamics information contains a wide and ever-increasing range of data and methods applicable to the project design of aircraft, guided weapons, space rockets, etc. Data are given concerning general aerodynamics, including properties of the atmosphere; aerodynamics of airframe components, including the effect of powerplant/airframe interactions for propeller-powered and jet aircraft; aerodynamics of the effect of surface imperfections on drag; aerodynamics of controls, flaps and leading-edge devices; aircraft stability, including derivative estimation; and aerodynamics of internal flow systems, including propulsion systems.
Section 1 : Organisational Documents
Section 2 : Properties of Gases
ESDU AERO 00.01.06
Thermodynamic properties of air in dissociation equilibrium. -
ESDU AERO 00.01.07
Approximate transport properties of high-temperature air in dissociation equilibrium. -
ESDU AERO 00.01.08
Specific heat capacities and their ratio as functions of temperature for several common gases. -
ESDU AERO 00.01.09
A simple model of a thermally perfect, calorically imperfect diatomic gas. Comparison with real gases. -
ESDU AERO 00.01.11
Mollier chart of the thermodynamic properties of argon-free air in dissociation equilibrium: T = 2 000 K to T = 13 000 K. -
ESDU AERO 00.01.12
Mollier chart of the thermodynamic properties of argon-free air in dissociation equilibrium: T = 100 K to T = 6 000 K. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.27
Examples in the use of the Mollier chart (isentropic flow and Prandtl-Meyer expansion for air in dissociation equilibrium).
ESDU AERO 00.01.06
Section 3 : Isentropic Flow and Shock Waves
ESDU AERO 00.03.05
Isentropic expansion of air from rest. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.06
Introductory sheet on isentropic flow and shock waves. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.08
Simple-wave flow. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.09
Properties of plane steady shock waves. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.14
Approximate calculation of the pressure changes in two-dimensional supersonic flow. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.15
Pitot and static tubes in supersonic flow. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.16
Conditions for shock wave detachment and for subsonic flow behind nose shock waves on cones at zero incidence and on wedges. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.22
Conditions behind normal shock waves in air in dissociation equilibrium. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.23
Conditions behind oblique shock waves for air in dissociation equilibrium. -
ESDU AERO 00.03.28
Conditions behind normal shock waves in a perfect gas for various values of γ. -
ESDU AERO 00.03.30
Solutions to the oblique shock wave relations for a range of specific heat ratios: pressure coefficient and detachment angle. -
ESDU AERO 00.03.31
Solutions to the Prandtl-Meyer expansion relations for a range of specific heat ratios: pressure coefficient and maximum flow deflection angle. -
ESDU 70008
Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (i) shock angle. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.13
Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (ii) surface pressure coefficient and shock angle for circular cones. -
ESDU 70009
Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (iii) flow deflection in the conical flow field. -
ESDU 70010
Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (iv) Mach number in the conical flow field.
ESDU AERO 00.03.05
Section 4 : Properties of the Atmosphere
ESDU 73017
Reynolds number, speed of sound, dynamic viscosity, kinetic pressure and total pressure coefficient in air. -
ESDU 77021
Properties of a standard atmosphere. -
ESDU 78008
Physical properties of design atmospheres. -
ESDU 78017
True airspeed in the International Standard Atmosphere and equivalent airspeed corresponding to Mach number and pressure altitude.
ESDU 73017
Section 5 : Atmospheric Turbulence
ESDU 74030
Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground. Part I: definitions and general information. -
ESDU 85020
Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground. Part II: single point data for strong winds (neutral atmosphere). -
ESDU 86010
Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground. Part III: variations in space and time for strong winds (neutral atmosphere).
ESDU 74030
Section 6 : Wind Speeds
ESDU 82026
Strong winds in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part 1: hourly-mean wind speeds. -
ESDU 83045
Strong winds in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part 2: discrete gust speeds.
ESDU 82026
Section 7 : Aerofoils and Wings - General
ESDU 76003
Geometrical properties of cranked and straight-tapered wing planforms. -
Derivation of equations for the geometrical properties of straight-tapered and multi-panel wings -
ESDU 10023
Computer program for calculation of equivalent straight-tapered wing planform -
ESDU 06020
Computer program for estimation of aerofoil characteristics at subcritical speeds: Lift-curve slope, zero-lift incidence and pitching moment, aerodynamic centre and drag polar minimum
ESDU 76003
Section 8 : Aerofoils at Subcritical Speeds - Pressure Distribution, Lift, Pitching Moment, Aerodynamic Centre
ESDU AERO W.01.01.05
Slope of lift curve for two-dimensional flow. -
ESDU AERO W.01.01.07
Maximum lift coefficients for aerofoil sections at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 0.75. -
ESDU AERO A.08.01.05
Aerodynamic centre in two-dimensional flow. -
ESDU 66034
The low-speed stalling characteristics of aerodynamically smooth aerofoils. -
ESDU 71020
Aerofoils having a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution: details and comments on design. -
ESDU 72024
Aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils in compressible inviscid airflow at subcritical Mach numbers. -
Correlations for some aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils in incompressible inviscid flow. -
Correlations for the aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils in compressible inviscid flow -
ESDU 84026
Aerofoil maximum lift coefficient for Mach numbers up to 0.4. -
ESDU 97020
Slope of aerofoil lift curve for subsonic two-dimensional flow. -
ESDU 98011
Aerofoil incidence for zero lift in subsonic two- dimensional flow. -
ESDU 99003
Generation of GUNACA 23-series of low-drag aerofoils.
ESDU AERO W.01.01.05
Section 9 : Aerofoils at Subcritical Speeds - Drag
ESDU AERO W.02.04.00
Information on the use of Data Items in the series Wings 02.04. -
ESDU AERO W.02.04.01
Drag of a smooth flat plate at zero incidence. -
ESDU AERO W.02.04.02
Profile drag of smooth wings. -
ESDU AERO W.02.04.03
Profile drag of smooth aerofoils with straight trailing- edges at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.02.04.09
Limit of grain size for laminar flow over wings or bodies. -
ESDU AERO W.02.04.11
Limit of surface waviness for laminar flow over wings. -
ESDU 67011
Profile drag at the drag-rise condition of aerofoils having a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution at this condition. -
ESDU 00027
Aerofoil profile drag for Mach numbers below the drag rise condition. -
ESDU 06001
Aerofoil skin friction drag for Mach numbers below the drag-rise condition. -
ESDU 10017
A guide to the alleviation of the base drag of a two-dimensional flat plate with a blunt trailing edge
ESDU AERO W.02.04.00
Section 10 : Aerofoils at Supersonic Speeds - Pressure Distribution, Lift, Pitching Moment, Drag
ESDU AERO W.S.00.03.03
Introductory Item on two-dimensional aerofoils at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.S.00.03.04
Theoretical properties of two-dimensional supersonic aerofoils of simple section. -
ESDU AERO W.S.00.03.05
The calculation of the theoretical characteristics of two-dimensional aerofoils at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.S.02.03.07
Base pressure on aerofoil sections with a blunt trailing edge in supersonic flow. -
ESDU AERO W.S.02.03.10
Wave drag of flat plates with blunt noses at zero incidence. -
ESDU AERO W.S.02.04.12
Skin friction drag coefficients for a flat plate in two-dimensional flow with zero heat transfer. -
ESDU AERO W.S.02.04.13
Profile drag coefficients for two-dimensional biconvex aerofoil with zero heat transfer at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.S.05.03.01
Pressure distribution on blunt noses of two-dimensional sections at zero incidence in supersonic flow.
ESDU AERO W.S.00.03.03
Section 11 : Critical Mach Number and Pressure Coefficient
ESDU 74008
Estimation of critical Mach number for an aerofoil from its low-speed pressure distribution. -
ESDU 75027
Critical pressure coefficient and component of local Mach number normal to the surface isobar for a swept wing. -
ESDU AERO W.00.03.01
Critical Mach number for high speed aerofoil sections.
ESDU 74008
Section 12 : Flat Plates - Boundary Layers, Skin Friction and Surface Roughness
ESDU 68019
The compressible two-dimensional laminar boundary layer, both with and without heat transfer, on a smooth flat plate, with application to wedges, cylinders, and cones. -
ESDU 68020
The compressible two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer, both with and without heat transfer, on a smooth flat plate, with application to wedges, cylinders and cones -
Curve fits to the Spalding and Chi mean and local skin friction data -
ESDU 73016
The mean skin friction coefficient for a rough flat plate with a turbulent two-dimensional boundary layer in compressible adiabatic flow, with application to wedges, cylinders and cones.
ESDU 68019
Section 13 : Wings - Lift, Pitching Moment, Aerodynamic Centre, Spanwise Loading
ESDU 70011
Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid subsonic flow. -
Wing lift-curve slope in inviscid subsonic flow: Improvements to the Helmbold-Diederich equation and comparison with data from ESDU 70011 -
ESDU 70012
Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid supersonic flow. -
ESDU 70015
Fluid forces and moments on flat plates. -
ESDU 71006
Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of slender wings. -
ESDU 71007
Low-speed normal force and pitching moment of slender wings in ground effect -
ESDU 83040
Method for the rapid estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow. -
ESDU 87001
Wing pitching moment at zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers. -
ESDU 87031
Wing angle of attack for zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers. -
ESDU 88030
Boundaries of linear characteristics of cambered and twisted wings at subcritical Mach numbers. -
ESDU 89034
The maximum lift coefficient of plain wings at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 90013
Normal force and pitching moment of low aspect ratio cropped-delta wings up to high angles of attack at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU 93015
Program for calculation of maximum lift coefficient of plain aerofoils and wings at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 93034
Normal force of low-aspect-ratio cropped-delta wings up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 95010
Computer program for estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow. Lifting-surface theory. (With Appendix A: effect of plain flaps.) -
ESDU 95022
Pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio cropped-delta wings up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.01.01.01
Lift-curve slope of swept and tapered wings. -
ESDU AERO W.01.01.04
Effect of cut-out on lift-curve slope.
ESDU 70011
Section 14 : Wings - Drag
ESDU 66031
Introductory sheet on subcritical lift-dependent drag of wings. -
ESDU 66032
Subsonic lift-dependent drag due to boundary layer of plane, symmetrical section wings. -
ESDU 74035
Subsonic lift-dependent drag due to the trailing vortex wake for wings without camber or twist. -
ESDU 75004
Wave drag of wings at zero lift in inviscid airflow. -
ESDU 94037
Leading-edge suction distribution for plane thin wings at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 94038
Computer program for estimation of leading-edge suction distribution for plane thin wings at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 95025
Drag due to lift for plane swept wings, alone or in combination with a body, up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 96025
Drag due to lift for non-planar swept wings up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 07002
Wing viscous drag coefficient in shock-free attached flow. -
ESDU 07003
Modelling of wing viscous drag coefficient in shock-free attached flow. -
ESDU 10022
Trailing-vortex drag coefficient in shock-free attached flow - cambered and twisted wings -
ESDU AERO W.S.02.03.02
Theoretical lift-dependent drag of wings at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.S.02.03.09
Transonic drag rise of rectangular symmetrical section wings at zero lift. NACA 65 series sections.
ESDU 66031
Section 15 : Bodies - General
ESDU 77028
Geometrical characteristics of typical bodies. -
ESDU 78037
The influence of body geometry and flow conditions on axisymmetric velocity distributions at subcritical Mach numbers. -
ESDU 79020
The influence of body geometry and flow conditions on axisymmetric boundary layers at subcritical Mach numbers.
ESDU 77028
Section 16 : Bodies - Drag
ESDU AERO B.S.02.03.01
Introductory notes on the drag at zero incidence of bodies at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO B.S.02.03.02
External wave drag at zero incidence in inviscid flow of simple ducted forebodies and truncated afterbodies. -
ESDU AERO B.S.02.03.08
Forebody-afterbody interference wave drag of simple pointed or ducted body shapes with short midbodies. -
ESDU AERO B.S.02.03.12
Supersonic base pressure of cylindrical bodies. -
ESDU 68021
Foredrag of spherically-blunted conical forebodies at zero incidence in supersonic flow for Mach numbers up to 5. -
ESDU 76033
Subsonic base drag of cylindrical bodies with conical boat-tails. -
ESDU 77020
Subsonic pressure drag of conical boat-tails. -
ESDU 78019
Profile drag of axisymmetric bodies at zero incidence for subcritical Mach numbers -
ESDU 78041
Transonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with conical boat-tails. -
ESDU 79022
Supersonic base drag of cylindrical bodies with conical boat-tails. -
ESDU 80006
Drag increment due to rear fuselage upsweep. -
ESDU 80021
Pressure drag of blunt forebodies at zero incidence for Mach numbers up to 10. -
ESDU 82028
Pressure drag of spherically-blunted conical forebodies at zero incidence for Mach numbers of 3 and above. -
ESDU 96012
Subsonic and transonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with circular-arc boat-tails -
ESDU 96033
Effect of angle of attack on the base axial force and drag of cylindrical bodies with conical boat-tails. -
ESDU 97022
Effect of stabilising fins on base drag of cylindrical bodies at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU 99010
Supersonic base drag of cylindrical bodies with a central propulsive jet. -
ESDU 00017
Supersonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with a conical boat-tail and a central propulsive jet -
ESDU 00026
Supersonic pressure drag of conical, circular-arc and parabolic boat-tails. -
ESDU 01012
Subsonic pressure drag of boat-tails with negligible annular base area in the presence of a central propulsive jet. -
ESDU 02012
Subsonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with circular-arc boat-tails and a central propulsive jet.
ESDU AERO B.S.02.03.01
Section 17 : Bodies - Pressure Distribution, Normal Force, Pitching Moment, Centre of Pressure
ESDU 82018
The pressure distribution at zero incidence over selected families of blunt axisymmetric forebodies. -
ESDU 87033
Normal force and pitching moment of conical boat-tails. -
ESDU 89008
Normal-force-curve and pitching-moment-curve slopes of forebody-cylinder combinations at zero angle of attack for Mach numbers up to 5. -
ESDU 89014
Normal force, pitching moment and side force of forebody-cylinder combinations for angles of attack up to 90 degrees and Mach numbers up to 5. -
ESDU 90034
Computer program for the calculation of normal force and pitching moment of forebody-cylinder combinations at angles of attack up to 90 degrees and Mach numbers up to 5, including the effects of conical boat-tailing -
ESDU 00028
Supersonic pressure and Mach number distributions over conical, circular-arc and parabolic boat-tails. -
ESDU 04007
Normal force and pitching moment of non-axisymmetrical bodies: square and triangular cross-sections without corner rounding. -
ESDU 05015
Normal force and pitching moment of non-circular bodies: elliptical cross-sections at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU 07005
Normal force and pitching moment of non-axisymmetric bodies: square cross-sections with corner rounding. -
ESDU AERO B.S.05.03.01
Pressure distribution on forebodies and afterbodies of revolution at zero incidence in inviscid flow.
ESDU 82018
Section 18 : Wing-Body Combinations - Lift, Normal Force, Pitching Moment, Aerodynamic Centre, Upwash
ESDU 13009
Computer program for calculation of aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations -
ESDU 76015
Aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage combinations. -
ESDU 77012
Aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations: effect of wing-pylon mounted nacelles -
ESDU 78013
Aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations: effect of rear-fuselage pylon-mounted nacelles. -
ESDU 89042
Body effect on wing angle of attack and pitching moment at zero lift at low speeds. -
ESDU 90020
Airframe-induced upwash at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 91007
Lift-curve slope of wing-body combinations. -
ESDU 91042
Normal force of low aspect ratio wing-body combinations up to high angles of attack at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU 92024
Aerodynamic centre of wing-body combinations. -
ESDU 92043
Pitching moment of low aspect ratio wing-body combinations up to high angles of attack at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU 95009
Effect of wing height on lift and aerodynamic centre for a slender wing-body combination.
ESDU 13009
Section 19 : Wing-Body Combinations - Drag
ESDU AERO A.S.02.03.01
Explanatory notes on transonic and supersonic area rules. -
ESDU AERO A.02.03.02
Optimum area distribution and associated minimum theoretical transonic drag-rise for aircraft at zero lift.
ESDU AERO A.S.02.03.01
Section 20 : Controls - Lift, Pitching Moment, Rolling Moment, Yawing Moment and Drag
ESDU 21005
Summary of Data Items on Controls -
ESDU AERO C.01.01.03
Rate of change of lift coefficient with control deflection in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (a2)0 -
ESDU AERO C.01.01.04
Effect of gap on the slope of lift curve and slope of lift increment curve due to control surface deflection. -
ESDU AERO C.08.01.01
Rate of change of pitching moment coefficient with control deflection for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, m0 -
ESDU 74011
Rate of change of lift coefficient with control deflection for full-span plain controls. -
ESDU 74012
Conversion of lift coefficient increment due to flaps from full span to part span. -
Derivation of part span factors for lift and rolling moment -
ESDU 76026
Lift and drag due to spoiler operation in the ground run. -
ESDU 87008
Rudder sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment control derivatives at low speeds: Yζ , Nζ and Lζ -
ESDU 88013
Rolling moment derivative, Lξ for plain ailerons at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 88029
Yawing moment coefficient for plain ailerons at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 88040
Program for calculation of aileron rolling moment and yawing moment coefficients at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 14004
Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings at subsonic speeds with trailing-edge flaps undeployed -
ESDU 14005
Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings at subsonic speeds with trailing-edge flaps deployed -
ESDU 96026
Drag and yawing moment due to spoilers.
ESDU 21005
Section 21 : Controls - Hinge Moment
ESDU AERO C.04.01.00
Introduction to Data Items on control hinge moments. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.01
Rate of change of hinge-moment coefficient with incidence for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (b1)0 -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.02
Rate of change of hinge-moment coefficient with control deflection for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (b2)0 -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.03
Effect of nose balance on two-dimensional control hinge-moment coefficients. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.04
Effect of Irving internal balance on hinge-moment coefficient in two-dimensional flow. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.06
Full-span control hinge-moment coefficient derivatives for unswept wings in incompressible flow with allowance for spanwise variation of sectional properties. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.08
Control hinge-moment coefficient derivative due to tab. -
ESDU 88003
Effect of unshielded and shielded horn balances on hinge moment coefficients for controls at low speeds. -
ESDU 89009
Hinge moment coefficient derivatives for trailing-edge controls on wings at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 89010
Example of procedure in calculation of control hinge moments.
ESDU AERO C.04.01.00
Section 22 : Flaps - General
ESDU 97002
Information on the use of Data Items on high-lift devices. -
ESDU 97003
Fuselage interference effects on flap characteristics.
ESDU 97002
Section 23 : Flaps - Lift: Aerofoils
ESDU 94026
Introduction to the estimation of the lift coefficients at zero angle of attack and at maximum lift for aerofoils with high-lift devices at low speeds. -
ESDU 94027
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of various leading-edge high-lift devices at low speeds. -
ESDU 94028
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a plain trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU 94029
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a trailing-edge split flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU 94030
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a single-slotted trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU 94031
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a double-slotted or triple-slotted trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO F.05.01.01
Normal force on flaps and controls.
ESDU 94026
Section 24 : Flaps - Lift: Wings
ESDU 74009
Lift coefficient increment at low speeds due to full-span split flaps. -
ESDU 91014
Maximum lift of wings with trailing-edge flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 92031
Maximum lift of wings with leading-edge devices and trailing-edge flaps deployed. -
ESDU 93019
Wing lift increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of single-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 95021
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of double-slotted or triple-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 96032
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge devices at low speeds. -
ESDU 97009
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge split flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 97011
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of plain trailing-edge flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO F.01.01.08
Lift coefficient increment due to full-span slotted flaps. -
ESDU AERO F.01.01.09
Lift coefficient increment due to full-span double flap (main flap slotted).
ESDU 74009
Section 25 : Flaps - Lift Curve
ESDU 96003
Lift curve of wings with high-lift devices deployed at low speeds. -
ESDU 99031
Computer program for estimation of lift curve to maximum lift for wing-fuselage combinations with high-lift devices at low speeds.
ESDU 96003
Section 26 : Flaps - Pitching Moment
ESDU 98009
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge split flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 98017
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge plain flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 99004
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge single-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 99014
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge double-slotted and triple-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 00029
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge high-lift devices. -
ESDU 01013
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices in combination at low speeds. -
ESDU 03017
Pitching moment curve of wings with leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO F.08.01.01
Pitching moment coefficient increment due to flaps for unswept wings. -
ESDU AERO F.08.01.02
Increment to Cm 0 due to flaps on swept-back wings. -
Estimation of nacelle and flap effects on low-speed aerodynamic centre and zero-lift pitching moment of transport aircraft (tail-off)
ESDU 98009
Section 27 : Flaps - Drag
ESDU AERO F.02.01.06
Profile drag coefficient increment due to full-span single-slotted flaps (Handley Page and NACA types). -
ESDU AERO F.02.01.07
Conversion factor for profile drag increment for part-span flaps. -
Derivations of equations for profile drag increment conversion factors for part-span flaps -
ESDU AERO F.02.01.08
Vortex drag coefficient of wing with part-span flap and central cut-out. -
ESDU 74010
Low-speed drag coefficient increment at zero lift due to full-span split flaps. -
ESDU 87005
Increment in aerofoil profile drag coefficient due to the deployment of a single-slotted flap. -
ESDU 87024
Low-speed drag coefficient increment at constant lift due to full-span plain flaps. -
ESDU 01007
Trailing vortex drag factors for wings with part-span trailing-edge plain flaps. -
ESDU 06014
Zero-lift drag coefficient increment due to full-span plain flaps. -
ESDU 08013
Increment in wing profile drag coefficient due to the deployment of a single-slotted flap.
ESDU AERO F.02.01.06
Section 28 : Excrescence Drag
Aircraft Surface Tolerances for Enhanced Repair, Operations and Design -
ESDU 90029
An introduction to aircraft excrescence drag. -
ESDU 71018
Approximate wave drag of rectangular planform fairings at zero incidence in supersonic flow. -
ESDU 75028
Drag due to grooves in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer, at subsonic and supersonic speeds -
ESDU 75031
Drag of two-dimensional steps and ridges immersed in a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. -
ESDU 76008
Drag of transverse rows of spherically-headed rivets immersed in a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic and supersonic speeds -
ESDU 83025
Drag of circular cylinders normal to a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. -
ESDU 84035
Drag of stub wings and fairings on a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic and supersonic speeds. -
ESDU 91028
Simplified method for the prediction of aerofoil excrescence drag magnification factor for turbulent boundary layers at subcritical Mach numbers. -
ESDU 91029
Excrescence drag magnification factors at the drag-rise condition for aerofoils with a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution. -
ESDU 92039
Drag due to gaps round undeflected trailing-edge controls and flaps at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 93032
Examples of excrescence drag prediction for typical wing components of a subsonic transport aircraft at the cruise condition. -
ESDU 16005
Mass flow rate of a leak into an external stream -
ESDU 16006
Drag due to a leak discharging into an external stream -
ESDU 18005
Mass flow rate of a leak into a plenum from an external stream -
ESDU 18006
Drag due to a leak into a plenum from an external stream
Section 29 : Cavity Drag
Aircraft Surface Tolerances for Enhanced Repair, Operations and Design -
ESDU 74036
Drag due to a circular cavity in a plate with a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic, transonic and supersonic speeds -
ESDU 00006
Drag of rectangular planform cavity in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. Part I: Closed flow -
ESDU 00007
Drag of a rectangular planform cavity in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. Part II: Open and transitional flows. -
ESDU 16007
Computer program for the estimation of the drag of a rectangular planform cavity, with or without doors, in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3 -
ESDU 10016
Drag of a rectangular planform cavity in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. Part III : Effect of doors
Section 30 : Undercarriage Drag
ESDU 79015
Undercarriage drag prediction methods.
ESDU 79015
Section 31 : Canopy Drag
ESDU 67041
Drag of fighter-type canopies at subcritical Mach numbers.
ESDU 67041
Section 32 : Cavity Aerodynamics and Aero-Acoustics
ESDU 02008
Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Part I: Time-averaged flow. -
ESDU 04023
Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Part II: Unsteady flow and aero-acoustics. -
ESDU 16004
Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities.
Part V: Bibliography (up to 2020)
ESDU 02008
Section 33 : Cavity Adverse Unsteady Flow Alleviation
ESDU 08011
Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Part IIIA: Alleviation of unsteady flow effects - Introduction -
ESDU 08012
Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Part IIIB: Alleviation of unsteady flow effects - acoustic suppression using passive devices. -
ESDU 09001
Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities.
Part IIIC: Alleviation of unsteady flow effects - acoustic suppression using active devices -
ESDU 09002
Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities.
Part IIID: Alleviation of unsteady flow effects - Store deployment
ESDU 08011
Section 34 : Internal Flow Systems - Ducts
ESDU AERO S.00.01.10
One-dimensional isentropic flow of a thermally perfect, calorically imperfect diatomic gas. -
ESDU AERO S.00.03.07
One-dimensional isentropic gas flow. -
ESDU 81004
Mass flow and momentum functions for one-dimensional flow of gas in ducts.
ESDU AERO S.00.01.10
Section 35 : Internal Flow Systems - Nacelles, Intakes and Nozzles
ESDU AERO A.08.01.09
Flow field of subsonic axisymmetric jet in a parallel stream. -
ESDU 66028
Relationships between some common intake parameters. -
ESDU 67035
Jet flow parameters -
ESDU 75005
Performance data for the critical operation of nominally two-dimensional double-ramp supersonic intakes. -
ESDU 80037
Pressure recovery of axisymmetric intakes at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 81024
Drag of axisymmetric cowls at zero incidence for subsonic Mach numbers. -
ESDU 86002
Drag and pressure recovery characteristics of auxiliary air inlets at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 03006
Subsonic drag and pressure recovery of rectangular planform flush auxiliary inlets with ducts at angles up to 90 degrees.
ESDU AERO A.08.01.09
Section 36 : Powerplant/Airframe Interactions - Propeller Powered Aircraft
ESDU 18010
Information on the use of Data Items on powerplant/airframe interactions for propeller-powered aircraft -
ESDU 85015
Introduction to installation effects on thrust and drag for propeller-driven aircraft. -
ESDU 85017
Thrust and drag accounting for propeller/airframe interaction. -
ESDU 86017
Propeller/body interaction for thrust and drag. -
ESDU 88031
Lift and longitudinal forces on propeller/ nacelle/ wing/ flap systems. -
ESDU 89047
In-plane forces and moments on installed inclined propellers at low forward speeds. -
ESDU 06012
The influence of propeller slipstream on aircraft rolling moment due to sideslip. -
ESDU 06013
Propeller slipstream modelling for incidence and sideslip. -
Example of procedure in calculation of effects of propeller slipstream on horizontal tailplane flow-field
ESDU 18010
Section 37 : Powerplant/Airframe Interactions - Jet Powered Aircraft
ESDU 82034
Aircraft forces due to interference between a jet efflux and a slotted flap
ESDU 82034
Section 38 : Stability of Aircraft - General
ESDU 86021
Introduction of aerodynamic derivatives, equations of motion and stability (including the classical criteria of longitudinal stability and control, and description of the lateral modes of motion) -
ESDU 86041
Conversion of stability derivatives for a general change of body axes. -
ESDU 13005
Information on the use of Data Items on the longitudinal stability of aircraft -
ESDU AERO A.06.01.00
Information on the use of Data Items on rolling moment derivatives of an aircraft. -
ESDU AERO A.07.01.00
Information on the use of Data Items on yawing moment and sideforce derivatives of an aircraft
ESDU 86021
Section 39 : Stability of Aircraft - Longitudinal Stability - Ground Effect, Downwash, Tandem Lifting Surfaces, Tailplane
ESDU 72023
Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in ground effect. -
ESDU 80020
Average downwash at the tailplane at low angles of attack and subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 81023
Lift and drag of two staggered lifting surfaces at low speeds. -
ESDU 89029
Installed tailplane lift-curve slope at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 91009
Effect of twin fins on isolated tailplane lift-curve slope. -
ESDU 97021
Effect of trailing-edge flap deployment on average downwash at the tailplane at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.05.01.01
Kinetic pressure in the wake behind a wing.
ESDU 72023
Section 40 : Stability of Aircraft - Longitudinal Stability - Derivatives due to Rate of Pitch
ESDU 90010
Pitching moment and lift force derivatives due to rate of pitch for aircraft at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 91004
Pitching moment derivative due to rate of pitch for projectiles at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO W.S.08.03.02
Pitching velocity derivatives for wings at supersonic speeds Zq and Mq
ESDU 90010
Section 41 : Stability of Aircraft - Pitch-Break Characteristics
ESDU 01005
Effect of geometry on low speed pitch-break characteristics of swept wings.
ESDU 01005
Section 42 : Stability of Aircraft - Lateral Stability - Derivatives due to Sideslip
ESDU AERO A.06.01.03
Stability derivative (Lv) Γ Contribution of full-span dihedral to rolling moment due to sideslip. -
ESDU AERO A.06.01.09
Stability derivative (Lv) Γ Contribution of part-span dihedral to rolling moment due to sideslip. -
ESDU 73006
Effects of isolated body and wing-body interference on rolling moment due to sideslip: Lv (with Addendum A for nacelle effects). -
ESDU 79006
Wing-body yawing moment and sideforce derivatives due to sideslip: Nv and Yv (with Addendum A for nacelle effects). -
Effects of rear-mounted engine nacelles on sidewash at fin -
ESDU 80033
Contribution of wing planform to rolling moment derivative due to sideslip, (Lv)w , at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 80034
Effect of trailing-edge flaps on rolling moment derivative due to sideslip, (Lv)f -
ESDU 81013
Effect of trailing-edge flaps on sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip, (Yv)f and (Nv)f -
ESDU 81032
Estimation of rolling moment derivative due to sideslip for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds. -
Contribution to rolling moment derivative due to sideslip resulting from interference effect of fin on tailplane, (Lv)TH -
ESDU 82010
Contribution of fin to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to sideslip, (Yv)F , (Nv)F , (Lv)F , in the presence of body, wing and tailplane. -
ESDU 82011
Estimation of sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 91031
Contribution of fin and tailplane to sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip at supersonic speeds at low angle of attack. -
ESDU 92007
Contribution of tailplane-mounted twin fins to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to sideslip at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 92029
Contribution of ventral fins to sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip at low angle of attack. -
ESDU 93007
Contribution of body-mounted fins and tailplanes to lateral derivatives due to sideslip at subsonic speeds for general body width to height ratio. -
ESDU 00025
Computer program for prediction of aircraft lateral stability derivatives in sideslip at subsonic speeds. -
Effect of wing-mounted engine nacelles of propeller-driven aircraft on lateral stability derivatives in sideslip -
ESDU AERO C.01.01.01
Lift-curve slope for single fin and rudder. (i) Body shape merging into fin. -
ESDU AERO A.S.01.03.02
Lift-curve slope of isolated lifting surface at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO A.S.06.03.04
Spanwise centre of pressure of isolated lifting surface at supersonic speeds.
ESDU AERO A.06.01.03
Section 43 : Stability of Aircraft - Lateral Stability - Derivatives due to Rate of Roll
ESDU AERO A.06.01.01
Stability derivative Lp rolling moment due to rolling for swept and tapered wings. -
ESDU 81014
Contribution of wing planform to derivatives of yawing moment and sideforce due to roll rate at subsonic speeds (Np)w and (Yp)w -
ESDU 83006
Contribution of fin to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of roll, (Yp)F , (Np)F , (Lp)F , in the presence of body, wing and tailplane. -
ESDU 85006
Contribution of wing dihedral to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of roll at subsonic speeds, (Yp)Γ , (Np)Γ and (Lp)Γ -
ESDU 85010
Estimation of sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of roll for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds -
ESDU AERO A.S.06.03.01
Stability derivative Lp rolling moment due to rolling for wings at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO A.S.06.03.02
Stability derivative Lp. Effect of fuselage interference on rolling moment due to rolling at supersonic speeds. -
ESDU AERO A.S.06.03.03
Stability derivative Lp. Rolling moment due to rolling for radial multi-planar wing arrangements at supersonic speeds.
ESDU AERO A.06.01.01
Section 44 : Stability of Aircraft - Lateral Stability - Derivatives due to Rate of Yaw
ESDU 71017
Aero-normalised stability derivatives: effect of wing on yawing moment due to yawing. -
ESDU 72021
Effect of wing on rolling moment due to yawing. -
ESDU 82017
Contribution of fin to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of yaw, (Yr)F , (Nr)F , (Lr)F -
ESDU 83026
Contribution of body to yawing moment and sideforce derivatives due to rate of yaw, (Nr)B and (Yr)B -
ESDU 84002
Estimation of sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of yaw for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds.
ESDU 71017
Section 45 : Unsteady Aerodynamics
ESDU 82020
Introduction to unsteady aerodynamics. -
ESDU 81034
Linearised two-dimensional oscillatory airforce coefficients and load distributions on thin aerofoils in subsonic flow. -
ESDU 82005
Linearised two-dimensional oscillatory airforce coefficients and load distributions on thin aerofoils in supersonic flow. -
ESDU 83010
Oscillatory aerodynamics of slender bodies. -
ESDU 84020
An introduction to time-dependent aerodynamics of aircraft response, gusts and active controls. -
ESDU 87012
An introduction to aircraft buffet and buffeting. -
ESDU 90005
Frequencies of resonance in wind tunnels with ventilated walls and plenum chamber.
ESDU 82020
Section 46 : Parachute Aerodynamics
ESDU 09012
Aerodynamics of Parachutes
ESDU 09012
Section 47 : Bluff Bodies and Structures - Mean Forces
ESDU 71012
Fluid forces on non-streamline bodies - background notes and description of the flow phenomena. -
ESDU 71016
Fluid forces, pressures and moments on rectangular blocks. -
ESDU 79026
Mean fluid forces and moments on cylindrical structures: polygonal sections with rounded corners including elliptical shapes. -
ESDU 80003
Mean fluid forces and moments on rectangular prisms: surface-mounted structures in turbulent shear flow. -
ESDU 80025
Mean forces, pressures and flow field velocities for circular cylindrical structures: single cylinder with two-dimensional flow. -
ESDU 81017
Mean forces, pressures, and moments for circular cylindrical structures: finite-length cylinders in uniform and shear flow.
ESDU 71012
Section 48 : Bluff Bodies and Structures - Fluctuating Forces and Response
ESDU 77032
Fluctuating loads and dynamic response of bodies and structures in fluid flows - background information. -
ESDU 79025
Fluctuating response of circular cylinders in small groups in fluid flow - discussion and guide to data available. -
ESDU 87035
Calculation methods for along-wind loading. Part 2. Response of line-like structures to atmospheric turbulence.
ESDU 77032
Section 49 : Aerodynamic Heating and Heat Transfer
ESDU 69009
Heat balance for flight vehicles. -
ESDU 69010
Heat transfer by forced convection between a two-dimensional laminar boundary layer and a smooth flat plate, with application to wedges, cylinders and cones. -
ESDU 69011
Heat transfer by forced convection between a two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer and a smooth flat plate, with application to wedges, cylinders and cones. -
ESDU 69012
Effects of kinetic heating on equilibrium temperature of flight vehicles. -
ESDU AERO 00.02.05
Heat transfer under conditions of forced convection for the subsonic turbulent flow of gases in smooth straight ducts of constant cross section. -
ESDU AERO 00.03.26
Wall and average gas temperatures for subsonic turbulent flow with heat transfer in ducts of constant circular cross section. -
ESDU AERO W.S.00.03.18
Aerodynamic heating: temperatures at a perfectly insulated surface neglecting radiation.
ESDU 69009
Section 50 : Wind-Tunnel Corrections
ESDU 76028
Lift-interference and blockage corrections for two-dimensional subsonic flow in ventilated and closed wind-tunnels. -
ESDU 80024
Blockage corrections for bluff bodies in confined flows.
ESDU 76028
This Series is complemented by the following software:
Name | Title | |
Toolbox 06014 |
ESDU 06014: Zero-lift drag coefficient increment due to full-span plain flaps
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox 16007 | ESDU 16007: Estimation of the drag of a rectangular planform cavity, with or without doors, in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer | Run |
Toolbox 70011 |
ESDU 70011: Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid subsonic flow
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox 70012 |
ESDU 70012: Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid supersonic flow
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox 74036 |
ESDU 74036: Drag due to a circular cavity in a plate with a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic, transonic and supersonic speeds
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox 75028 |
ESDU 75028: Drag due to grooves in a flat plate with turbulent boundary layer, at subsonic and supersonic speeds
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox 75031 |
ESDU 75031: Drag of two-dimensional steps and ridges immersed in a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox 76008 |
Drag of transverse rows of spherically-headed rivets immersed in a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic and supersonic speeds
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox Boat-tail Pressure Drag | Calculation of subsonic base drag of cylindrical bodies and pressure drag of conical boat-tails | Run |
Toolbox 80006 |
ESDU 80006: Drag increment due to rear fuselage upsweep
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox 95009 |
ESDU 95009: Calculation of effect of wing height on lift and aerodynamic centre for a slender wing-body combination
See Data Items:
Run |
Toolbox Aero A.02.03.02 |
Calculation of optimum area distribution and associated minimum theoretical transonic drag-rise for aircraft at zero lift
See Data Items:
AERO A.02.03.02
Run |
Toolbox ASTEROID | Aircraft Surface Tolerances for Enhanced Repair, Operations and Design | Run |
Toolbox ASTEROID fp | Aircraft Surface Tolerances for Enhanced Repair, Operations and Design - Flat Plate | Run |
Toolbox CFM | Local and mean skin friction coefficients on a flat plate | Run |
Toolbox ISA | International Standard Atmosphere app | Run |
Toolbox LiCrA-2D | ESDU LiCrA: 2D Lift Curve Aerodynamics for Aerofoils | Run |
Toolbox LiCrA-3D | ESDU LiCrA: 3D Lift Curve Aerodynamics for Wings and Wing/Body Combinations | Run |
Toolbox TM 169 |
Wing lift-curve slope app
See Data Items:
TM 169
Run |
Toolbox Aero W.05.01.01 |
Kinetic pressure in the wake behind an unswept wing
See Data Items:
AERO W.05.01.01
Run |
Name | Title | Type |
A0025 |
Prediction of aircraft lateral stability derivatives in sideslip at subsonic speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A0107 |
Computer program for estimation of trailing vortex drag factors for wings with part-span trailing-edge plain flaps.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A020302 |
Calculation of optimum area distribution and associated minimum theoretical transonic drag-rise for aircraft at zero lift
See Data Items:
AERO A.02.03.02
ESDUpac |
A0614 |
Zero-lift drag coefficient increment due to full-span plain flaps
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A0620 |
Computer program for estimation of aerofoil characteristics at subcritical speeds: lift-curve slope, zero-lift incidence and pitching moment, aerodynamic centre and drag polar minimum.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A1023 |
Computer program for calculation of equivalent straight-tapered wing planform
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A1309 | Computer program for calculation of aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations | ESDUpac |
A1607 | Computer program for the estimation of the drag of a rectangular planform cavity, with or without doors, in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3 | ESDUpac |
A7011 |
Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid subsonic flow.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7011 |
Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid subsonic flow.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7012 |
Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid supersonic flow
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7012 |
Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid supersonic flow.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7106 |
Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of slender wings
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7107 |
Low-speed normal force and pitching moment of slender wings in ground effect
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7223 |
Computer program for calculation of low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in ground effect.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7435 |
Subsonic lift-dependent drag due to the trailing vortex wake for wings without camber or twist.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7436 |
Estimation of drag due to a circular cavity in a plate with turbulent boundary layer at subsonic, transonic or supersonic speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7528 |
Estimation of the drag due to grooves in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer, at subsonic and supersonic speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7531 |
Estimation of drag of two-dimensional steps and ridges in a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7608 |
Drag of transverse rows of spherically-headed rivets immersed in a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic and supersonic speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7633 |
Subsonic base drag of cylindrical bodies with conical boat-tails
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7720 |
Subsonic pressure drag of conical boat-tails
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7728 |
Calculation of geometrical characteristics of typical bodies
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A7819 |
Calculation of Profile Drag of Axisymmetric Bodies at Zero Incidence for Subcritical Mach Numbers (Method of Addendum A)
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8006 |
Calculation of drag increment due to rear fuselage upsweep
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8020 |
Calculation of average downwash at the tailplane at low angles of attack and subsonic speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8114 |
Computer program for estimation of contribution of wing planform to derivatives of yawing moment and sideforce due to roll rate at subsonic speeds, (Np)w and (Yp)w
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8123 |
Program for calculation of lift and drag of two staggered lifting surfaces at low speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8124 |
Drag of axisymmetric cowls at zero incidence for subsonic Mach numbers.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8234 |
Computer program for calculation of aircraft forces due to interference between a jet efflux and a slotted flap
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8310 |
Calculation of oscillatory aerodynamics data for slender bodies.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8510 |
Estimation of sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of roll for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8621 |
Calculation of the roots of the characteristic equations for controls-fixed longitudinal and lateral stability of aircraft
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8701 |
Wing pitching moment at zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8705 |
Increment in aerofoil profile drag due to the deployment of a single-slotted flap.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8708 |
Calculation of Rudder Sideforce, Yawing Moment and Rolloing Moment Control Derivatives at Low Speeds: Y sub zeta, N sub zeta and L sub zeta.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8724 |
Low-speed drag coefficient increment at constant lift due to full-span plain flaps.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8731 |
Wing angle of attack for zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8831 |
Computer program for ESDU 88031: Lift and longitudinal forces on propeller/ nacelle/ wing/ flap systems
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8840 |
Calculation of aileron rolling moment and yawing moment coefficients at subsonic speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8929 |
Computer program for calculation of installed tailplane lift-curve-slope at subsonic speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8942 |
Computer program for calculation of body effect on wing angle of attack and pitching moment at zero lift at low speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A8947 |
Calculation of in-plane force and moment derivatives for inclined propellers at low forward speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9005 |
First resonance frequency for ventilated wind tunnels operating at subsonic speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9010 |
Calculation of pitching moment and lift force derivatives due to rate of pitch for aircraft at subsonic speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9020 |
Calculation of airframe-induced upwash at subsonic speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9034 | Calculation of normal force and pitching moment of forebody-cylinder combinations at angles of attack up to 90 degrees and Mach numbers up to 5, including effects of conical boat-tailing. | ESDUpac |
A9109 |
Estimation of effect of twin fins on isolated tailplane lift-curve slope
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9128 |
Simplified method for the prediction of aerofoil excrescence drag magnification factor for turbulent boundary layers at subcritical Mach numbers.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9315 |
Maximum lift coefficient of plain aerofoils and wings at subsonic speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9438 |
Estimation of leading-edge suction distribution for plane thin wings at subsonic speeds
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9509 |
Computer program for calculation of effect of wing height on lift and aerodynamic centre for a slender wing-body combination
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9510 | Computer program for estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow. | ESDUpac |
A9625 |
Drag due to lift for non-planar swept wings up to high angle of attack at subsonic speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9626 |
Calculation of drag and yawing moment due to spoilers
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9721 |
Calculation of the effect of trailing-edge flap deployment on average downwash at the tailplane at low speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
A9931 |
Computer program for estimation of lift curve for wing-fuselage combinations with high-lift devices at low speeds.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
AC811 |
Computer Program for ESDU Aero C.08.01.01: Rate Of Change Of Pitching Moment Coefficient With Control Deflection For A Plain Control In Incompressible Two-Dimensional Flow, m0
See Data Items:
AERO C.08.01.01
ESDUpac |
AF218 |
Vortex drag coefficient of wing with part-span flap and central cut-out.
See Data Items:
AERO F.02.01.08
ESDUpac |
B9510 |
Computer program for estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow. Lifting-surface theory. (With Appendix A: effect of plain flaps)
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
B9903 |
Generation of GUNACA 23 series of low-drag aerofoils (screen prompt version).
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
B9931 |
Computer program for estimation of spanwise position of peak loading.
See Data Items:
ESDUpac |
AW511 |
Kinetic pressure in the wake behind an unswept wing
See Data Items:
AERO W.05.01.01
ESDUpac |