ESDU A-Z Index: A-AE
- Considerations With All Engines Operating or After Engine Failure, 85029
- Detailed Example Calculation Procedure and Results for Typical Transport Aircraft
- definition of segments and their end points, 87018
- influence of airworthiness requirements on, 87018
- taking account of all factors affecting applied forces and moments, 87018
- Prediction of Aircraft Stopping Distance on Wet Runway
- from statistical analysis of aircraft stopping distance data, 99015
- from statistical analysis of friction ground-test machine, 99015
- Reaction Times
- sequence and values for typical transport aircraft, 85029
- Acoustic
- Effect of Water on Dimensions of Polymers and Thermosets, 87007
- Spectroscopy Used for Temperature Measurement
- Thermal
- see also
- Abandoned Take-Off
- Balanced Field Length
- Definition of Distance, 87018
- Determination of acceleration from analysis of flight test data, 15001
- Effect on Climb Rate
- see
- Rate of Climb
- Effect on Pressure Lag in Flight Instrumentation, 83029, 85011
- Estimation for Aircraft in Climbing, Diving, Level and/or Turning Flight
- program using known drag and thrust characteristics, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- Lateral and Vertical Acceleration of Aircraft
- see
- Fatigue Loading
- Basic Equations for Behaviour and Transfer Functions, 85026
- Determination of angle of attack using accelerometer, 17013, TM 190
- Use in Analysis of Flight-Measured Performance Data, 15001, 17013, 79018, 88025, TM 190
- body-mounted and inertial system, 79018
- relationship between reading and load factor, 79018
- Use With Rate Gyros to Determine Aircraft Motion Characteristics
- using Euler attitude angles or quaternion representation, 98024
- Accumulation of rainfall on runway surfaces, 19005
- see also
- Heat Pipes
- Density
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated gas and liquid, 80017
- Dynamic Viscosity
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated gas and liquid, 80017
- Specific Heat Capacity
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated liquid, 80017
- Specific Latent Heat of Vaporisation
- pressure and temperature variation at saturation, 80017
- Surface Tension
- pressure and temperature variation at saturation, 80017
- Thermal Conductivity
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated liquid, 80017
- Vapour Pressure
- pressure and temperature variation at saturation, 80017
- see also
- Acoustic Loading
- Box Structures
- Composite Structures
- Curved Rectangular Plates
- Curved Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Curved Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Damping
- Flat Panels in General
- Flat Rectangular Plates
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Square Plates
- Flat Square Plates
- Integrally-Machined Panels
- Response of Lightweight Structures
- Skin-Rib Joints in Aluminium Alloys
- Skin-Rib Joints in Composite Structures
- Skin-Rib Joints in Titanium Alloys
- Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series
- Definitions of Terms, 22001
- Factors of Importance in Design Against, 20005
- General Considerations in Testing Endurance of Structural Elements Using Simulated Loading
- definition of failure and likely locations, 93027
- design of clamps, 93027
- design of elements to represent features of full-size structure, 93027
- dimensions of elements and tuning response, 93027
- excitation and clipping, 93027
- response behaviour and settling, 93027
- simultaneous multi-element testing, 93027
- Introduction to Design Information, 20005
- Sources (Both Aerodynamic and Noise), 86025
- Structural Considerations in Design Against
- composite and metallic materials, and equipment fixings, 86025
- Testing of Structures at High Sound Frequencies, 15011
- Test Methods Used in Specific Skin-Rib Joint Endurance Experiments
- description of test methods and details of specimens, 10011, 72015, 84027
- truncation of loads, 10011, 72015, 84027
- Estimation for Fibrous Materials, 74003
- Estimation for Perforated Sheet, 74004
- Ground
- effective flow resistivity and inverse effective surface depth values, various surfaces, 94035, 94036
- in terms of effective flow resistivity and inverse effective surface depth, 94035, 94036
- Introduction to Concept, 02020
- Use in Estimating Sound Power Attenuation in Lined Annular or Rectangular Straight Ducts
- including effect of subsonic flow and boundary layer, 00024
- Use in Estimating Sound Power Attenuation in Lined Circular Straight Ducts
- including effect of subsonic flow and boundary layer, 00012
- Introduction to Method of Noise Absorption by Local or Extended Reaction, 02020
- see
- Acoustic Absorption Coefficient
- Acoustic Impedance
- Acoustic Linings
- Acoustic Loading
- Acoustic Test Methods
- Aircraft Noise Series
- Airframe Noise (Aeroplanes Not Propeller Powered)
- Atmospheric Effects on Sound
- Boundary Layer
- Cavities
- Crossflow Heat Exchangers
- Fan Noise
- Ground Reflection Effect on Noise
- Helicopter Noise
- Jet Noise
- Lateral Noise Attenuation
- Noise
- Noise in Air-Conditioning Duct Systems
- Noise Prediction for Aerospace Sources
- Noise/sound Propagation
- Propeller Noise
- Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchangers
- Turbomachinery Noise
- see
- Cavities
- see also
- Indicial Aerodynamics
- Use to Alleviate Buffeting, 87012
- Results for Axial Variation of Various Quantities Across Propeller Disc
- axial velocity, static pressure and streamtube diameter, 85015
- see
- Pre-Entry Drag
- Loss of adhesive force due to accumulation of water on runway surface, 19005
- Intakes, 66028
- Compressible Single-Phase Flow Equations and Curves
- Stress Concentration Due to Biaxial Loading
- two circular and optimised shape holes in large plates, 15005
- Stress Concentration Due to Biaxial or Uniaxial Loading With or Without Shear
- two equal diameter holes in a wide flat plate, 67023
- Stress Concentration Due to Shear
- two equal or unequal diameter holes in a wide flat plate, 75007
- Stress Concentration Due to Uniaxial Tension
- two equal diameter holes across a strip, 85045
- two equal or unequal diameter holes in a wide flat plate, 75007
- see
- Antennas
- Aerofoils
- in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024, TM 4, TM 5
- in subsonic flow, AERO A.08.01.05
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- program to predict for subcritical speeds, 06020
- Biconvex and Double-Wedge Aerofoils, AERO W.S.00.03.04
- Definition, 70011
- Estimation of Nacelle and Flap Effects on Low-Speed Aerodynamic Centre and Zero-Lift Pitching Moment of Transport Aircraft (Tail-Off), TM 200
- Position for Missile-Type Wing-Body Combination (Truncated Rear Body)
- effect of wing height at low incidence in subsonic or supersonic flow, 95009
- mid-wing configuration at low incidence in subsonic or supersonic flow, 92024
- Position for Transport Aircraft Type Wing-Body Combination (Smoothly Tapered Rear Fuselage)
- effect of fuselage geometry and wing sweep, 76015
- effect of rear-fuselage nacelle geometry and position, 78013
- effect of underwing nacelle geometry and position, 77012
- program for wing-body-nacelle combinations, 13009
- Sharp-Edged Delta, Cropped Delta or Rectangular Wings of Low Aspect Ratio
- supersonic flow to high angles of attack, 90013
- Spanwise Distribution
- subsonic flow, TD MEMO 6309
- Wings
- subsonic flow, 70011
- supersonic flow, 70012
- see
- Derivatives
- Equilibrium Temperature Under Forced Convection and Radiation
- laminar and turbulent boundary layers, 69012, 69015
- Introduction to Calculation, 69009
- Local and Mean Stanton Numbers on Cones, Plates and Wedges
- forced convection with laminar boundary layer, 69010
- forced convection with turbulent boundary layer, 69011
- Temperature and Stress Distribution Due to
- laminated cylinders and shells, 89027
- plates, 89023, 89024, 89025, 89026
- see also
- Pressure Distribution
- Bodies of Revolution
- oscillating in bending, heave or pitch, 83010
- Calculation of High Frequency Response of Lightweight Structures to
- Complete Flexible Aircraft From Component Contributions Due to Incidence and Pitch Rate
- use to calculate deformation of wing and tailplane using orthogonal modes, 97032
- use to calculate deformation using normal modes, 99033
- Complete Rigid Aircraft From Component Contributions Due to Incidence and Pitch Rate
- equations for lift and moment due to wing/fuselage/nacelle, 94009
- sources of data required, 94009
- Effect on Their Loading Distribution of Tailplane and Wing Static Deformation, 96037
- Effects of Inboard or Outboard on Benefits of Adding Winglets to Existing Wing, 98013
- In Steady Level Asymmetric Flight (Sideslipping, Turning or With Failed Engine)
- on fin, fuselage, tailplane and wing, 01010
- Rectangular Planform Cavity With Closed Flow
- end walls in subsonic or supersonic flow, 00006
- Use to Obtain Forces and Moments in Rigid Airframe Structure Due to Incidence and Pitch Rate
- bending moment and shear force in fuselage, 94045
- bending moment, shear force and torque in wing of medium to high aspect ratio, 94045
- Viscous Full-potential (VFP) Method for Three Dimensional Wings and Wing-Body Combinations
- VFP analysis programs for flow breakdown and forces and loads, 21002
- Wings With Camber and Twist
- program for spanwise distribution in subsonic flow, 95010
- spanwise distribution by graphical method in subsonic flow, 83040
- Wings With Camber and Twist and With Plain Leading- and/or Trailing-Edge Flaps Deflected
- program for spanwise distribution in subsonic flow, 95010
- Wings With Symmetric Sections
- spanwise distribution due to change of angle of attack, TD MEMO 6403
- see also
- Geometric Mean Chord
- Standard Mean Chord
- see also
- Transonic Aerodynamics Series
- Data for Thirteen Sections on Disc, 96029
- Families Designed for Given Drag-Rise Mach Number, 71020
- Program for Geometry of Low-Drag GUNACA-Series, 99003
- Sources of (Catalogue 4), TD MEMO 6407
- see also
- Aerofoil Coordinates
- Aerofoils with Roof-Top Pressure Distribution
- Aerofoils with Supercritical Pressure Distribution
- Biconvex Aerofoils
- Boundary Layer
- Centre of Pressure
- Double-Wedge Sections
- Excrescences
- Indicial Aerodynamics
- Magnification of Excrescence Drag By Pressure Gradient
- Normal Force
- Pressure Distribution
- Pressure Drag
- Viscous Garabedian and Korn Method
- Wind-Tunnel Corrections for Aerofoils
- Wings
- Aerodynamic Centre
- in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024, TM 4, TM 5
- in subsonic flow, AERO A.08.01.05
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- program to predict for subcritical speeds, 06020
- Angle of Attack for Maximum Lift
- program to predict, 99031
- with or without leading- and/or trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed, 96003
- Angle of Attack for Zero Lift
- correction factor for compressibility and viscosity to apply to inviscid value, 98011
- in subcritical attached flow, 98011
- Pankhurst's method in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024, 98011
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- Base Pressure, AERO W.S.02.03.07
- Boundary Layer Characteristics
- estimation in subcritical flow, 76002
- Buffeting Behaviour
- variation with angle of attack and Mach number, 87012
- Comparisons Against RAE 5225 Aerofoil for Program in 2D Mode, 13013
- Computer Programs
- for predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of a two-dimensional single-element aerofoils in a subsonic and high-transonic freestream, VGK
- Construction of Lift Curve From Zero to Maximum Lift
- program to predict, 99031
- with or without leading- and/or trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed, 96003
- Critical Mach Number
- prediction from incompressible, inviscid pressure distribution, 74008
- variation with thickness/chord ratio, AERO W.00.03.01
- Design of Optimum Section Geometry (Multivariate Gradient Search Using CFD Codes)
- varying camber line shape and high-lift device deflections (two design points), 99021
- varying camber line shape or high-lift device deflections (single design point), 99020
- varying high-lift device deflections on combat aircraft section (single design point), 00022, 00023
- varying surface geometry and high-lift device deflections (two design points), 01024
- Design of Section Geometry
- considerations to achieve low-drag characteristics over a range of lift coefficient, 99003
- to obtain desirable pressure distribution features in transonic flow, 97017
- Design of Section Geometry to Provide Specified Upper-Surface Pressure Distribution
- description of program extension made to create VGKD for this use, 99032
- discussion of changes required to achieve required lift coefficient, 99032
- example results illustrating features of method, 99032
- explanation of features to be used to define pressure distribution, 99032
- in transonic flow with or without weak shock, 99032
- resulting drag, lift, and pitching moment coefficients, 99032
- starting from specified thickness distribution, incidence and flow conditions, 99032
- Discussion and Illustration of Transonic Flow Features and Effect on Aerodynamic Characteristics
- effect of increasing angle of attack at constant freestream Mach number, 90008
- effect of increasing freestream Mach number at constant angle of attack, 90008
- Discussion of Behaviour With Fixed Transition of Lift-Drag Polar at Subsonic Speeds
- existence of constant drag coefficient over range of lift coefficient, 00027
- Drag-Creep
- supercritical, TD MEMO 6407
- Drag Estimation at Supersonic Speeds, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.00.03.05
- Drag Estimation at Transonic Speeds Near Separation Using Viscous-Coupled Calculation Method, 92008
- Drag Estimation in Viscous Subsonic or Transonic Flow Using VGK, 96028, 96029
- comparison of results with experimental and other theoretical results, 96028
- effect of leading- or trailing-edge sealed control or flap deflection, 96028, 96029
- influence of values of variable parameters in program on results, 96028
- Drag-Rise Mach Number
- estimation, TD MEMO 6407
- relationship with that of wing-body combination, 78009
- Elliptical Section
- centre of pressure position, 79026
- critical Mach number, AERO W.00.03.01
- lift, 79026
- profile drag, 79026
- Experimental Data
- sources of (Tables 1 and 2), TD MEMO 6407
- GUNACA Design for Low Drag Over a Range of Lift Coefficient
- comparison of geometric and inviscid flow characteristics with those of NACA 6-series, 99003
- program for geometric and inviscid flow characteristics, 99003
- Introduction to Data Items on Effect of High-Lift Devices on Lift, 94026
- Inverse Design (Multivariate Gradient Search Using CFD Codes)
- to obtain complete or partial target pressure distribution, 01025
- Leading-Edge Suction
- correction of thin-leading-edge value to provide attainable value, 95025
- Lift at Zero Angle of Attack, 72024, 97020, 98011
- effect of double-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94031
- effect of leading-edge high-lift devices alone, 94027
- effect of plain flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94028
- effect of single-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94030
- effect of split flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94029
- effect of triple-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94031
- introduction to Data Items on effect of high-lift devices on, 94026
- Lift-Curve Slope
- in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024
- in subcritical compressible flow, 97020
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- Lift-Curve Slope From Zero to Maximum Lift
- behaviour when leading- and/or trailing-edge high-lift devices are deployed, 94026
- program to predict, 99031
- with or without leading- and/or trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed, 96003
- Lift Estimation at Supersonic Speeds, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.00.03.05
- Lift Estimation in Viscous Subsonic or Transonic Flow Using VGK, 96028, 96029
- comparison of results with experimental results, with or without control deflection, 96028
- comparison of results with other theoretical results, 96028
- effect of leading- or trailing-edge sealed control or flap deflection, 96028, 96029
- Low-Drag Design by CFD Techniques
- using multivariate gradient search optimisation, 00022, 00023, 01024, 99019, 99020, 99021
- Low-Drag Design by Maintaining Favourable Pressure Gradient on Forward Upper and Lower Surfaces
- characteristics of NACA 6- and 6A-series and GUNACA-series, 99003
- comparison of geometric and inviscid flow characteristics of NACA 6- and GUNACA-series, 99003
- discussion of theoretical methods for inviscid flow, 99003
- program for geometric and inviscid flow characteristics of GUNACA-series, 99003
- Maximum Lift Coefficient at Mach Number 0.6 to 0.75, AERO W.01.01.07
- Maximum Lift Coefficient in Low-Speed Flow, 84026, 93015
- effect of double-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94031
- effect of leading-edge high-lift devices alone, 94027
- effect of leading-edge roughness, 84026, 93015
- effect of plain flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94028
- effect of single-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94030
- effect of split flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94029
- effect of triple-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge devices, 94027, 94031
- introduction to Data Items on effect of high-lift devices on, 94026
- NACA 6- and 6A-Series for Low Drag Over a Range of Lift Coefficient
- comparison of geometric and inviscid flow characteristics with those of GUNACA-series, 99003
- Normal Pressure Drag in Sonic Freestream, 69013
- Optimisation for Minimum Drag (Multivariate Gradient Search Using CFD Codes)
- introduction to method, 99019
- varying camber line shape and high-lift device deflections (two design points), 99021
- varying camber line shape or high-lift device deflections (single design point), 99020
- varying high-lift device deflections on combat aircraft section (single design point), 00022, 00023
- varying surface geometry and high-lift device deflections (two design points), 01024
- Oscillating in Heave or Pitch or With an Oscillating Control
- introduction to calculation methods in subsonic or supersonic flow, 82020
- lift and pitching moment in subsonic flow, 81034
- lift and pitching moment in supersonic flow, 82005
- pressure distribution in subsonic flow, 81034
- pressure distribution in supersonic flow, 82005
- Pitching Moment at Angle of Attack
- all high-lift devices, 03017
- Pitching Moment at Zero Angle of Attack
- effect of double-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 01013, 99014
- effect of leading-edge high-lift devices, alone or with trailing-edge flaps, 00029, 01013
- effect of plain flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 01013, 98017
- effect of single-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift divices, 01013, 99004
- effect of split flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 01013, 98009
- effect of triple-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 01013, 99014
- Pitching Moment at Zero Lift
- in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- Pitching Moment Estimation in Viscous Subsonic or Transonic Flow Using VGK, 96028, 96029
- comparison of results with experimental results, 96028
- effect of leading- or trailing-edge sealed control or flap deflection, 96028, 96029
- Pressure Distribution
- comparison of experimental with calculated by viscous-coupled method, 92008
- condition for equivalent streamwise distribution on swept wing, 78009
- for given drag-rise Mach number, 71020
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- section design to provide specified upper-surface values in transonic flow, 99032
- supersonic flow, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.00.03.05
- use of roof-top to inhibit transition and give low drag, 99003
- wind-tunnel blockage effects in viscous transonic flow, 81019
- Pressure Distribution Estimation in Inviscid Subsonic Flow, 72025, 79009
- Pressure Distribution Estimation in Inviscid Transonic Flow, 79009
- Pressure Distribution Estimation in Sonic Free Stream, 69013, TD MEMO 6511
- Pressure Distribution Estimation in Viscous Subcritical Flow by First-Order Method, 76002
- Pressure Distribution Estimation in Viscous Subsonic or Transonic Flow Using VGK, 96028, 96029
- comparison of results with experimental results, with or without control deflection, 96028
- comparison of results with other theoretical results, 96028
- effect of leading- or trailing-edge sealed control or flap deflection, 96028, 96029
- influence of grid size on results, 96028
- influence of values of variable parameters in program on results, 96028
- program user manual, 96029
- use in prediction of shock-induced separation, 97030
- Pressure Distribution Estimation in Viscous Transonic Flow, 81019
- Profile Drag, AERO W.02.04.00, AERO W.02.04.02, AERO W.02.04.03, AERO W.S.02.04.13
- estimation of minimum for cambered or uncambered with fixed transition, 00027
- increment due to deployment of single-slotted flap, 87005
- variation of minimum with Mach number below drag rise, 00027
- Separation Characteristics
- discussion and illustration of shock-induced separation types, 90008
- effect at low speed on behaviour of lift curve, 66034
- limits to control of shock-induced by vortex generators, 93024, 93025
- reattachment point on upper surface, 91021
- shock/boundary layer interaction length, 90008
- shock-induced separation bubble length, 90008, 91021
- types of separation at low and transonic speeds, 87012
- upstream Mach number for flow breakdown at transonic speeds, 90008, 91021
- Separation Prediction at Subcritical Speeds
- method for leading- or trailing-edge separation, 88030
- Separation Prediction at Transonic Speeds
- application of VGK for, 97030
- boundary layer criteria for shock-induced separation on upper-surface, 81020
- bubble length and reattachment point, 91021
- comparison of results obtained using VGK with experimental data, 97030
- criteria for shock-induced flow breakdown, 91021
- flow breakdown boundary from pressure distribution and boundary layer characteristics, 91021
- separation boundary from computed pressure distribution/boundary layer, 81020, 97030
- separation boundary obtained directly from computed pressure distribution, 92008
- Shock Waves on
- behaviour with varying Mach number or angle of attack at transonic speeds, 90008
- oscillation at transonic speeds, 87012
- Similarity Laws Applied to Lift, Pitching Moment, Pressure and Pressure Drag Coefficients
- in subsonic, supersonic and transonic flows, 97025
- Skin friction drag
- in presence of pressure field, 06001
- Supersonic Flow, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.00.03.05
- Surface Finish
- effect of roughness on transition, AERO W.02.04.09
- effect of waviness on transition, AERO W.02.04.11
- Velocity Distribution
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- Viscous Garbedian Korn Method
- for predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of a two-dimensional single-element aerofoils in a subsonic freestream, VGK
- Wakes
- see
- Wakes
- Wind-Tunnel Corrections
- open-jet or perforated-, slotted- or solid-walled tunnels, 76028
- Charts of Drag-Rise Mach Number, 71019
- adaptation to three-dimensions, 72027
- Design of GUNACA-Series for Low Drag Over a Range of Lift Coefficient
- geometric and inviscid flow characteristics, 99003
- Designs for Given Drag-Rise Mach Number, 71020
- influence of design parameters, 71020
- profile drag at design condition, 67011
- NACA 6- and GUNACA-Series for Low Drag Over a Range of Lift Coefficient
- comparison of geometric and inviscid flow characteristics, 99003
- Charts of Drag-Rise Mach Number, 78010
- see
- Derivatives