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Boiling Flow in Pipes
Fouling in Combustion Plant
Boiling Flow in Pipes
see also
Falling Film Evaporation
Heat Exchangers
Pressure Drop in Gas- or Vapour-Liquid Internal Flow
Two-Phase (Gas- or Vapour-Liquid) Flow
Calculation of Critical Heat Flux in Horizontal Flow, 88001
accuracy for water, Refrigerants 12 and 113, and nitrogen, 88001
database of experimental measurements for uniformly heated tubes, 88001
Calculation of Critical Heat Flux in Upward Flow in Vertical Pipes, 86032
accuracy for water, Refrigerant 12 and nitrogen, 86032
Calculation of Post Dry-Out Heat Transfer at High Quality
upward flow in vertical pipes of any liquid/vapour mixture, 90001
upward flow in vertical pipes of steam/water mixture, 90001
Calculation Procedure for Heat Transfer in Wet-Wall Boiling of Mixtures
accuracy of prediction, 91011
surface area for given thermal duty, 91011
Calculation Procedure for Heat Transfer in Wet-Wall Boiling of Single Component
accuracy of prediction, 85041
comparison of accuracy with that of other methods, 85041
comparison of predictions with experimental results, 85041
surface area for given thermal duty, 85041
Calculation Procedure for Pressure Drop in Wet-Wall Boiling
accuracy as function of boiling number, density ratio (liquid/vapour) and quality, 89039
comparison of predictions with experimental results, 89039
correction of predicted adiabatic pressure drop, 89039
database of experimental results and discussion of data used, 89039
horizontal or vertical tubes with upward flow, 89039
Conditions for Nucleate Boiling and for Stratified Flow, 85041
Discussion of Burn-Out, Dry-Out and Flow Instabilities, 85041
Discussion of Physical Phenomena Involved With Mixtures, 91011
use of vapour-liquid equilibria data, 91011
Flow Patterns in Horizontal Pipes, 85041
effect on variation of dry-out with heat flux and quality, 88001
Flow Patterns in Vertical Pipes, 85041
Bolted Butt Joints with Cover Plates in Steels
Fatigue Strength Under In-Plane Tension
comparison with fatigue strength of plain plate and plate with hole, 96014
discussion of causes of fretting, 96014
Bolted Double Lap Joints in Steels
Fatigue Strength Under In-Plane Tension
comparison with fatigue strength of plain plate and plate with hole, 96014
discussion of causes of fretting, 96014
effect of clamping pressure, 96014
effect of number and arrangement of bolts, and bolt tightening methods, 96014
effect of surface roughness, 96014
Bolted Doublers on Both Sides of Plate in Steels
Fatigue Strength Under In-Plane Tension
comparison with fatigue strength of plain plate and plate with hole, 96014
discussion of causes of fretting, 96014
Bolted Joints
see also
Bolted Butt Joints with Cover Plates in Steels
Bolted Double Lap Joints in Steels
Bolted Doublers on Both Sides of Plate in Steels
Bolted Lap Joints
Club-Foot Fittings
Double Lock Nuts
Fretting Fatigue
High-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
Low-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
Lugs (Fatigue Strength)
Lugs (Static Strength)
Lugs (Stress Concentration Factors)
Lugs (Stress Intensity Factors)
Medium-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
Screw Threads
Methods of Bolt/Nut Locking, 14001, 14002, TM 175
Overview of Bolted Joint Data Items, 14003
Stress Concentration Factor Distribution Along Bore
plain hole loaded by pin, 93030
Testing Endurance by Simulated Acoustic Loading Applied to Representative Element
Acoustic Fatigue
Transmitting Tension With Bolt Pretension, 13015, 13016, 85021
accuracy of determining pretension by torque-tightening, 14001
calculating bolt stiffness, 13015, 13016
calculating member stiffness, 13015, 13016
effect of asymmetry of loading, 85021
effect of bolt pretension on fatigue endurance, 85021
effect of loading on inter-member contact pressure, 13016
effect of temperature, 85021
effect of tolerances on load distribution, 85021
estimation of component stiffnesses, 85021
factors effecting member stiffness, 13016
load paths in idealised and practical joints, 85021
methods of applying pretension including torque-tightening, 14001
methods of determining pretension, 14001
practical worked examples of strength analysis, 85021
pretension due to torque-tightening with or without lubrication, 14001
Bolted Lap Joints
see also
Bolted Double Lap Joints in Steels
Multi-Bolt, Single- or Double-Sided in Tension
extension and flexibility (and stiffness) of joint, 98012
Single-Bolt, Single- or Double-Sided in Tension
flexibility (and stiffness) of bolt, 98012
High-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
Low-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
Medium-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
Screw Threads
Boltzmann's Constant
Stefan-Boltzmann Radiation Constant
Bomb Bay
Bonded Double-Lap Joints
see also
Bonded Double- or Single-Lap Joints
Bonded Joints
Single-Step Under In-Plane Compression or Tension
maximum elastic shear and normal direct stresses in adhesive, 80011
Single-Step Under In-Plane Tension
maximum inelastic shear stress for particular adhesives, 78042
Bonded Double- or Single-Lap Joints
see also
Bonded Double-Lap Joints
Bonded Joints
Bonded Single-Lap Joints
Bonded Single-Lap Joints in Clad Aluminium Alloys
Program for Elastic Analysis of Multiple-Step Under In-Plane Tension
normal (peel) stress distribution in adhesive, 80039
shear stress distribution in adhesive, 80039
Program for Inelastic Analysis of Multiple-Step Under In-Plane Tension or Shear
inelastic shear stress/strain distribution in adhesive, 79016
Bonded Double-Strap Joints in Clad Aluminium Alloys
see also
Bonded Joints
Fatigue Strength, FAT E.05.07
Bonded Joints
see also
Adhesives for Bonded Joints
Bonded Double- or Single-Lap Joints
Bonded Double-Lap Joints
Bonded Double-Strap Joints in Clad Aluminium Alloys
Bonded Single-Lap Joints
Bonded Single-Lap Joints in Clad Aluminium Alloys
Skin-Rib Joints in Composite Structures
Considerations in Design Against Acoustic Fatigue, 86025
Discussion of Various Alternative Methods for Strength Analysis, 17004, 18008
Effect of Adhesive Properties and Geometrical Parameters on Strength, 17004, 18008
Factors in Design of, 17004, 18008
Laminated Composite Faceplate/Core in Sandwich Beams or Struts
effect on faceplate wrinkling, 87013
Laminated Composite Faceplate/Core in Sandwich Panels
effect on faceplate wrinkling, 88015
Skin to Stiffener in Rectangular Flat Panel Under Uniaxial Compression
effect of adhesive on panel buckling load, 98016
effect of material plasticity and adhesive on panel buckling load, 01001
Testing Endurance by Simulated Acoustic Loading Applied to Representative Element
Acoustic Fatigue
Types of Failure, 17004, 18008
Bonded Single-Lap Joints
see also
Bonded Joints
Bonded Single-Lap Joints in Clad Aluminium Alloys
Discussion of Behaviour of Adhesive Stress Distribution
variation of adherend material and thickness, and of lap length, 92041
Peel and Shear Stress Distribution in Adhesive Under Tension
elastic analysis including bending effects, 92041
Shear Strain/Stress Distribution in Adhesive and Stress Distribution in Adherends Under Tension or Shear
elastic or inelastic analysis neglecting bending effects, 92041
Types of Failure, 92041
Bonded Single-Lap Joints in Clad Aluminium Alloys
see also
Bonded Joints
Fatigue Strength, FAT E.05.06
Bora Winds
Description, 87034
Borda-Carnot Relationship
Total Pressure Loss Through Sudden Enlargement of Duct Area, 72011
Boundary Element Method
Applied to Estimation of Response of Lightweight Structures
advantages, features and limitations, 97033
outline of mathematical modelling, 97033
typical applications, 97033
Boundary Layer
see also
Boundary Layer Diverter
Boundary Layer Lift Dependent Drag
Flow Separation
Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Shear Flow
Skin Friction Drag
Velocity Profile
Aerofoils in Subcritical Flow
effect of transition position on lift-curve slope, 97020
effect of transition position on minimum profile drag, 00027
estimation of shape and thickness parameters, 76002
skin friction drag in presence of pressure field, 06001
Aerofoils in Subsonic or Transonic Flow
method of computing turbulent, 96028, 96029
thickness of turbulent, 98031
transition prediction for laminar separation/turbulent reattachment, 96028, 96029
Aerofoils in Transonic Flow
use of computed characteristics to predict separation boundary, 81020, 97030
Bodies of Revolution in Subcritical Flow at Zero Incidence
thickness and shape parameters, 79020
Circular Cylinders at Zero Incidence
laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
turbulent fluctuating pressure levels, 75021, TM 58
turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
Cones at Zero Incidence in Supersonic Flow
laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
Control by Axial or Tangential Blowing to Improve Diffuser Performance, 87015
recommendations for mass flow, and slot position and size, 87015
static pressure recovery improvement achieved, 87015
Control by Suction to Improve Diffuser Performance, 87015
static pressure recovery improvement achieved, 87015
typical flow rates and geometries, 87015
Effect of Velocity Profile on Attenuation of Sound Power
in lined annular or rectangular straight ducts, 00024
in lined circular straight ducts, 00012
Effect on Aerofoil Base Pressure, AERO W.S.02.03.07
Effect on Ram Efficiency
flush intakes, 03006, 86002
Flat Plates at Zero Incidence
laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
turbulent fluctuating pressure levels, 75021, TM 58
turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
Flight Vehicles
turbulent fluctuating pressure levels, 75021, TM 58
Interaction With Shock in Transonic Flow
Vane Vortex Generators
comparisons against RAE 5225 aerofoil for program in 2D mode, 13013
Representation of Turbulent by Seventh Power Law
data required in calculating immersed intake characteristics, 86002
Turbulent Boundary-Layer Profiles
The estimation of turbulent boundary layer power-law velocity and q profiles from shape factor and momentum thickness, 18009
Validation of Pressures and Integral Boundary Layer Data
against M2155, 13013
against RAE 101 swept-panel model, 13013
VFP Comparison of VFP Results With Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS)
analyses of M2155, 13013
Virtual Origin for Turbulent Flow, 68020
Wedges in Supersonic Flow
laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
Boundary Layer Diverter
Scoop Intakes Immersed in Boundary Layer
effect on drag and pressure recovery, 86002
Boundary Layer Lift Dependent Drag
Swept Straight-Tapered Plane Wings at Subsonic Speeds
effect on drag polar, 66031, 66032, 95025, 96025
Boundary Lubricated Bearings
Friction Coefficient Variation With Load and Speed
sketch of typical behaviour, 89044
Boundary Walls and Fences
Centre of Pressure Due to Wind With Turbulence and Shear
prediction for finite straight wall, individual panel in long wall or corner panel, 89050
Mean and Peak Forces Due to Wind With Turbulence and Shear
pair of parallel fences or walls, 89050
prediction for finite straight wall, individual panel in long wall or corner panel, 89050
Mean and Peak Overturning Moments Due to Wind With Turbulence and Shear
prediction for finite straight wall, individual panel in long wall or corner panel, 89050
Used to Provide Shelter From Wind
definition of shelter factor accounting for effect on turbulence and wind speed, 97031
discussion of downwind flow phenomena divided into zones, 97031
effect of fence geometry and porosity on shelter, wind speed and turbulence, 97031
effect of upstream conditions on downstream shelter, wind speed and turbulence, 97031
estimation of shelter factor for single fence or several parallel fences, 97031
example of effect of wind incidence angle on shelter, 97031
example of shelter factors within and downstream of enclosure, 97031
possible end designs to minimise end effects, 97031
Box Structures
Beams Under Bending
flange design for constant edge strain, STRUCT 02.05.00
Dynamic Response
natural frequencies, 74025
Dynamic Response to Excitation
see also
Response of Buildings and Structures
Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
Response of Lightweight Structures
considerations in design against fatigue due to acoustic loading, 86025
estimation of stresses due acoustic loading, 74026
Estimation of Sound Power Radiation From One Plate Side
due to excitation of opposite plate side, 00002
Forces and Pressures Due to Wind or Other Fluid Flows
Base Pressure
Bluff Bodies
Critical Conditions in Fluid Flow
Pressure Distribution
Profile Drag
see also
description, 16008
definition, 16008
Energy and Torque Limits
definition, 16008
see also
Ground Performance in Take-Off and Landing
Slip Ratio
Equations for Reactions at Wheels Due to, 87018
Force Available From Brakes During Landing, 16008
Force Available From Reverse Thrust Propellers on Piston Engines, PERF ED1/2
Friction Available Between Tyre and Dry or Contaminated Runway
Friction Coefficient
Movement of Tyre Footprint Centre of Pressure When Braking on a Wet Surface, TM 211
Sideforce on Yawed Aircraft Tyre
estimation for dry or wet runway surface, 13007
Branches in Ducts
Noise in Air-Conditioning Duct Systems
Pressure Drop in Internal Flow
Range Equation, 73019
Dynamic Response to Turbulence and Wind
Response of Buildings and Structures
Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
Mean Forces Due to Wind
Profile Drag
Mechanical Vibration Characteristics
Rate of Change of Lift With Wind Incidence, 93013
Calcium Chloride/water Eutectic Solution
Sea Water
Sodium Chloride/water Eutectic Solution
British Standards Institution
see also
Classification by Viscosity of Fuel Oils and Lubricants, 71003
Brittle Materials
Failure Prediction in Loaded Contacts, 84017, 85007
Fracture Characteristics, SS1
Bubble Flow
Two-Phase (Gas- or Vapour-Liquid) Flow
see also
Beams in General
Beams of Sandwich Construction
Corrugated Plates
Curved Rectangular Plates
Curved Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
Cylinders of Circular Section (Strength and Vibration)
Faceplate Wrinkling
Flange Buckling
Flat Panels in General
Flat Panels with Fibre-Reinforced Unflanged Integral Stiffeners
Flat Panels with Flanged Integral Stiffeners
Flat Panels with Lipped or Unlipped Z-Section Stiffeners
Flat Panels with Top-Hat Section Stiffeners
Flat Panels with Transverse Stiffeners
Flat Panels with T-Section Integral Stiffeners
Flat Panels with Unflanged Integral Stiffeners
Flat Parallelogram Panels
Flat Parallelogram Plates
Flat Plates Tapered in Plan
Flat Rectangular Plates
Flat Rectangular Plates Tapered in Thickness
Flat Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
Flat Sandwich Panels (Corrugated Cores)
Flat Sandwich Panels (Isotropic Cores)
Flat Sandwich Panels (Truss Cores)
Flat Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
Flat Square Plates with Central Circular Hole
Flat Square Plates with Central Flanged Circular Hole
Flat Triangular Plates
Flat Unbalanced Laminated Rectangular Plates
Helical Springs of Round Wire
Hydraulic Jacks
Inter-Rivet Buckling
Struts in General
Struts of Bulb Angle Section
Struts of Channel Section
Struts of I-Section
Struts of Lipped or Unlipped Z-Section
Struts of Sandwich Construction
Struts of Thin-Walled Open Section
Struts of Tubular Section
Plasticity Correction Factors, 83044
Post Buckling Stress Analysis
curved panels in shear, 77018
flat panels in shear, 77014
see also
Vane Vortex Generators
Alleviation and Control of Flow Unsteadiness on Airframes, 87012
Characteristics of Response of a Cylinder, 79025
Criteria for Severity, 87012
Description of Wind-Tunnel Test Techniques to Determine Onset and Severity on Wings, 87012
extrapolation to full scale, 87012
Discussion of Sources
on aerofoils, 90008
on airframes, 87012
on bluff bodies, 77032
On Aerofoils
prediction of shock-induced separation at transonic speeds, 81020
upstream Mach number for flow breakdown at transonic speeds, 90008, 91021
variation with incidence and Mach number, 87012
On Tubes in Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
discussion of effect on wear and life, 87019
On Wings
effect of aspect ratio, camber, sweep and thickness, 87012
program to calculate effect of buffet limit on ceiling, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
program to calculate effect of buffet limit on turning performance, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
variation with incidence and Mach number, 87012
Pilot Ratings for Severity, 87012
Pressure Fluctuations Due to Separation Bubbles, 87012
Regions of Interference Between Two Cylinders, 79025
Calculation of Coupled Vibration Modes of a Type of Shear Building
computer program, 79005
generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 79005
Calculation of Lateral Modes of Vibration of Core Buildings
application to lattice towers and stacks, 81036
computer program, 81036
generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 81036
simplified graphical approach, 81036
Calculation of Uncoupled Vibration Modes of Shear Buildings
computer program, 79005
generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 79005
Calculation of Vibration Modes of Rectangular Sway Frame Buildings
computer program, 82019
generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 82019
simplified graphical approach, 82019
Calculation of Vibration Modes of Rigidly-Jointed Frame Structures
computer program, 82019
generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 82019
Dynamic Response to Turbulence and Wind
Response of Buildings and Structures
Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
Mean Forces, Moments and Pressures Due to Wind on Representative Shapes
Axial Force
Base Pressure
Bluff Bodies
Critical Conditions in Fluid Flow
Internal Pressure
Overturning Moment on Surface-Mounted Structures
Pressure Distribution
Profile Drag
Torsional Moment on Structures
Vortex Shedding
Bulb Angle Sections
Angle Sections with Bulbs
Struts of Bulb Angle Section
Bulk Modulus
Relative Values for Various Synthetic Lubricants, 94020
Various Liquids, 83046, 87027
Effect on Aircraft Performance Analysis, 70020, 79018
typical values of enclosed air mass for transport aircraft types, 85029
Slipstream Effect on Airframe Drag
discussion, 85015, 85017
Boiling Flow in Pipes
Busemann Coefficients
Oblique Shock Waves, AERO S.00.03.14, AERO W.S.00.03.04
Dry Rubbing Bearings
Heat Transfer
Journal Bearings
Lugs (Stress Concentration Factors)
Butterfly Valves
Pressure Change Prediction in Pipeline Due to Closure
Pipes with Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Gas (and Steam) Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Liquid Internal Flow
Pressure Drop Across, 69022
Butt Joints
Bolted Butt Joints with Cover Plates in Steels
Welded Joints in Steels
Welded Transverse Joints in Aluminium Alloys
Welded Transverse Joints in Steels Under Axial Loading
Buzz-Saw Tones
Turbomachinery Noise
see also
Viscous Garabedian and Korn Method
Computational Code for Transonic Two-Dimensional Flow, 92008
Results for Excrescence Drag Magnification Factor Compared With Results From VGK, 98031
Use With Multivariate Gradient Search Program
for inverse aerofoil design to match target pressure distribution, 01025
for optimum aerofoil geometry design, 00022, 00023, 01024, 99019, 99020, 99021

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