ESDU A-Z Index: V-VZ
- Suitability of Various Dry Rubbing Materials for Use in
- carbon, polymer, thermoset, solid lubricant impregnated metal, 87007
- Pressure Coefficient, 98026
- To Wing Leading-Edge Suction
- effect on lift dependent drag in subsonic flow, 95026
- effect on lift dependent drag in supersonic flow, AERO W.S.02.03.02
- Prediction of Pressure Change in Pipeline After Closure
- Velocity Distribution
- on aerofoils, 72025
- on bodies, AERO B.S.02.03.01
- Pressure Drop Across, 66030
- For Control of Shock-Induced Separation
- analysis of use on fuselage to control cabin noise, 87012, 93026
- analysis of use on wind-tunnel wing model to decrease separation, 93026
- analysis of use on wing to improve buffet manoeuvre boundary, 93026
- aspect ratio, height and incidence setting for effective use, 93025
- chordwise position, lateral spacing and extent of array required, 93024, 93025
- consideration of contribution to drag with worked example, 93024
- control of corner flow, 93024
- decay and dissipation of vortices, 93024
- flowchart for step-by-step guide to design of an array, 93025
- limits of possible control on aerofoils and wings, 93024, 93025
- possible multiple arrays, 93024
- use in combination with fences, 97017
- use of wind-tunnel tests to assess effectiveness, 93024
- vortex path and effect of mixing for counter-rotating array, 93024
- vortex path, spacing and decay for co-rotating array, 93024
- Use to Improve Diffuser Performance
- recommendations for geometry, 87015
- static pressure recovery improvement achieved, 87015
- Pressure Drop Across, 66030
- see also
- Interference
- Ski-Jump Performance
- Take-Off
- Appropriate Non-Dimensional Quantities for Performance, 87037
- derivation for partially-jet-borne flight and for short take-off, 87037
- Jet-Induced Aerodynamic Effects
- lift-loss in free-air hover and forward flight, 87037
- Use of Free-Air Hover Weight as Performance Parameter, 87037
- Use of Partially-Jet-Borne Flight Test Results in Performance Estimation, 87037
- see also
- Pressure Distribution
- Aerofoils
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series, 99003
- Bodies of Revolution at Zero Incidence
- variation with body geometry, 78037
- variation with flow conditions, 78037
- In Wake Behind Wing, AERO W.05.01.01
- Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
- mean values in flow away from surface, 80025
- Calculation for Wind Near Ground, 01008, 82026, 84011
- effect of topographical features, 01008, 82026
- effect of upwind terrain roughness, 01008, 82026, 84011
- over specific terrains, 70015, 71016, 79026, 80003, 81017
- program, 01008
- Effect of Upstream and Downstream on Static Pressure Loss in Incompressible Flow
- through sudden contraction of duct area with or without edge rounding, 05024
- Effect on Mean Forces, Moments and Pressures on Bluff Bodies
- see
- Shear Flow
- Effect on Noise Measurements Near Ground, 89036
- program
- Effect on Sound Power Attenuation in Lined Annular or Rectangular Straight Ducts
- with subsonic flow, 00024
- Effect on Sound Power Attenuation in Lined Circular Straight Ducts
- with subsonic flow, 00012
- Naturally-Developed Flow
- effect on performance of annular diffusers, 75026
- effect on performance of conical diffusers in compressible flow, 90025
- effect on performance of conical diffusers in incompressible flow, 73024
- effect on performance of plane-walled diffusers, 74015
- effect on performance of sudden enlargement of section, 72011
- Naturally-Developed Flow in Circular-Section Ducts
- kinetic energy coefficient at various stations, 73024
- Naturally-Developed Flow in Rectangular- or Square-Section Ducts
- blockage parameters at various stations, 74015
- Non-Naturally-Developed Flow
- effect on performance of diffusers, 76027
- Pressure Drop Across, 66030
- see
- Box Structures
- Buildings
- Crossflow Heat Exchangers
- Curved Rectangular Plates
- Curved Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Curved Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Cylinders of Circular Section (Strength and Vibration)
- Damping
- Double Lock Nuts
- Flat Panels in General
- Flat Rectangular Plates
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Square Plates
- Flat Square Plates
- Force Limited Random Vibration Testing
- Frequency
- Modal Density
- Modes
- Noise
- Noise in Air-Conditioning Duct Systems
- Non-Destructive Examination
- Pipes with Internal Flow
- Random Vibrations
- Response
- Response of Buildings and Structures
- Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
- Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
- Response of Lightweight Structures
- Shafts
- Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchangers
- Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series
- Types Available to Characterise Rheological Behaviour of Non-Newtonian Fluids
- advantages and disadvantages of each, 95012
- calculation of shear stress and shear rate, 95012
- coaxial cylinder, cone and plate, parallel plate, rotating disc, tube, 95012
- criteria for selection of appropriate type, 95012
- errors and their correction, 95012
- Full-Potential (FP) Method for Three-Dimensional Wings and Wing-Body Combinations - Inviscid Flow
- evaluation of trailing-vortex drag and wave components, 06016
- full-potential with frozen boundary layer, 11007
- method with improved estimates of body lift and drag contributions (FPIBE), 06015
- pre-processor to represent effect of fore- and aft-body shape on wing flow, 10014
- Principles and results, 02013
- use of FP and related programs, 02014
- Viscous Full-Potential (VFP) Method for Three-Dimensional Wings and Wing-Body Combinations
- excrescence drag modelling, 23013, TM 214
- use of VFP and related programs, 13012
- validation of VFP results with experiment and comparisons with other methods, 13013
- VFP error messages, failures and suggested remedies, 13014
- Computer Programs, VGK
- for predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of a two-dimensional single-element aerofoils in a subsonic and high-transonic freestream, VGK
- Extension to Viscous Flow for Computation of Pressure Distribution on Aerofoils, 81019
- application of VGK to separation prediction, 97030
- comparison of excrescence drag magnification factor results with those from BVGK, 98031
- comparison of results obtained for predicted separation with experimental data, 97030
- comparison of results with results from other theories and experiment, 96028
- evaluation of excrescence drag magnification factor due to pressure gradient, 87004, 98031
- influence of grid size on results, 96028
- influence of values of variable parameters in program on results, 96028
- introduction to and outline of method, 96028
- prediction of separation boundary, 81020, 97030
- prediction of separation boundary directly, 92008
- use for section design with specified upper-surface pressure distribution, 99032
- user manual, 96029
- use to determine effect of deflecting sealed leading- and/or trailing-edge plain flaps, 01033
- use with multivariate gradient search program for drag minimisation, 00022, 00023, 01024, 99019, 99020, 99021
- Velocity Distribution on Aerofoils, 79009
- see also
- Vane Vortex Generators
- Discussion and Illustration of Various Possible Types, 93024
- Bluff Bodies
- description of process, 71012
- Circular-Section Cylinder Normal to Flow
- characteristics of response, 79025
- regions of interference with second cylinder, 79025
- Cylindrical Body at Angle of Attack to 60 Degrees
- vortex separation points in supersonic flow, 91042
- Effect of Side-Edge on Drag Due to Rectangular Cavity in Supersonic Flow, 00006
- Multi-Sided Section Structures Symmetrical to Wind
- see also
- Downwash
- Trailing Vortex Drag
- Vortex Shedding
- Wing-Body Combination at Angles of Attack to 60 Degrees
- effect on wing normal force at supersonic speeds, 91042