ESDU AERO B.S.05.03.01
Pressure distribution on forebodies and afterbodies of revolution at zero incidence in inviscid flow.
ESDU B.S.05.03.01 gives the theoretically derived pressure distribution on pointed tangent ogive forebodies, and pointed parabolic arc and conical afterbodies, plotting at the nose or tail (as appropriate), at the maximum radius, and at nine points in between, the pressure coefficient as a function of freestream Mach number and body geometry. The data for the forebodies may also be used for parabolic forebodies and for secant ogives but in that latter case the geometry data for use on the curves must be taken from the tangent ogive generated using the same circular or parabolic arc as generated the secant ogive. For a conical forebody ESDU Aero S.00.03.13 provides equivalent data. The data for afterbodies may also be applied to truncated afterbodies. They are derived assuming there is a long enough midbody to give uniform flow at the start of the afterbody; slender body theory suggests that where a short midbody is present the pressure on an extended midbody at the point of interest on the afterbody may be added to the value determined there from the curves. Worked examples illustrate the use of the data.Indexed under:
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