ESDU 92003
Forced convection heat transfer in straight tubes. Part 1: turbulent flow.
ESDU 92003 recommends the Petukov equation for the prediction of the heat transfer in single-phase Newtonian flow, following a comparison of it and five other correlations with a database of nearly 800 experimental results extracted from the literature. The quality of the fit of the data with the six correlations is tabulated in various flow regimes defined by specific ranges of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. The correlations are also compared as graphs of Nusselt number against Reynolds number for values of Prandtl number of 0.7, 10 and 100. Two forms of the equation are given, one applying in the higher ranges of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Corrections for variable fluid properties are suggested for liquids as a function of bulk-to-wall dynamic viscosity ratio and for specific gases in terms of bulk-to-wall temperature ratio. Information on regimes for forced, free and mixed convection for both horizontal and vertical flow is included. The Petukov equation may be applied provided the thermal entrance length is exceeded and values for that are given based on local or mean Nusselt number. Worked examples illustrate the use of the correlation.Indexed under:
- Air
- Carbon Dioxide
- Forced Convection Heat Transfer
- Free Convection Heat Transfer
- Heat Transfer
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Mixed Forced-Free Convection Heat Transfer
- Nitrogen
- Steam
- Thermal Entrance Region
Data Item ESDU 92003 | |
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This Data Item contains 20 interactive graph(s) as listed below.
Graph | Title |
Figure 1 | Nusselt number for the fully-developed turbulent flow of fluids with constant property values. Plot of Equation (4.1) |
Figure 2 | Nusselt number for the fully-developed turbulent flow of fluids with constant property values. Plot of Equation (B1.1) |
Figure 3 | Forced, free and mixed convection regimes for horizontal pipe flow (10-2 < PrD/L < 1) |
Figure 4 | Forced, free and mixed convection regimes for vertical pipe flow (10-2 < PrD/L < 1) |
Figure 5a | Distribution of Nux in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 0.7 |
Figure 5b | Distribution of Nux in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 3 |
Figure 5c | Distribution of Nux in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 50 |
Figure 5d | Distribution of Nux in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 75 |
Figure 6a | Distribution of Num in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 0.7 |
Figure 6b | Distribution of Num in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 3 |
Figure 6c | Distribution of Num in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 50 |
Figure 6d | Distribution of Num in the entrance region for thermally developing turbulent flow. Pr = 75 |
Figure 7 | Effect of entrance configuration on Nux for simultaneously developing flow for UWT, Pr = 0.7 |
Figure 8 | Effect of entrance configuration on Nux for simultaneously developing flow for UHF, Pr = 0.7 |
Figure A1 | Nusselt number predicted by equation (4.1) and equations in Table A.1.1 for Pr = 0.7(103 < Re ≤ 105) |
Figure A2 | Nusselt number predicted by equation (4.1) and equations in Table A.1. Pr = 0.7(105 < Re ≤ 107) |
Figure A3 | Nusselt number predicted by equation (4.1) and equations in Table A.1. Pr = 10(103 < Re ≤ 105) |
Figure A4 | Nusselt number predicted by equation (4.1) and equations in Table A.1. Pr = 10(105 < Re ≤ 107) |
Figure A5 | Nusselt number predicted by equation (4.1) and equations in Table A.1. Pr = 100(103 < Re ≤ 105) |
Figure A6 | Nusselt number predicted by equation (4.1) and equations in Table A.1. Pr = 100(105 < Re ≤ 107) |