ESDU 83026
Contribution of body to yawing moment and sideforce derivatives due to rate of yaw, (Nr)B and (Yr)B
ESDU 83026 gives a method for predicting the body contribution to the yawing moment derivative due to rate of yaw for use in the calculation of aircraft lateral stability. A tentative method is also given for predicting the body contribution to the sideforce derivative due to rate of yaw, although that derivative is relatively unimportant in stability calculations. The yawing moment derivative prediction is based on slender-body theory for bodies with finite base areas, and an empirical correlation for bodies with zero base areas. The method for predicting the sideforce derivative is entirely empirical. Experimental data from 27 sources in the literative were used to develop the empirical relationships and estimate the accuracy of prediction. The method is applicable for Mach numbers up to 0.85, for circular cross-section or flat sided bodies. The ranges of geometry covered by the test data analysed are given.Indexed under:
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