ESDU 67011
Profile drag at the drag-rise condition of aerofoils having a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution at this condition.
ESDU 67011 presents the profile drag coefficient at the drag-rise condition for particular families of aerofoils, designed to combine a high drag-rise Mach number with a high lift coefficient for a given thickness/chord ratio. These aerofoils are selected members of the families of aerofoils which are described in detail in ESDU 71019. Charts are presented both for separate surface contributions and the total profile drag coefficient of the aerofoils. The charts have been constructed from data computed for selected aerofoils. These aerofoils, identified by the designation described, are listed, together with their values of lift coefficient at the drag- rise condition, in tabular form. In each Figure the separate surface contributions are presented in lattice form as functions of thickness/chord ratio, Reynolds number and boundary layer transition position for a particular combination of drag-rise Mach number and chordwise extent of the upper-surface roof-top. One section draws attention to some limitations of the particular families of aerofoils used in the derivation of these data. These limitations, although they are of lesser importance in an initial design study, may be sufficiently important to require that modifications be made to members of these particular families, via their specification, in practical applications. To illustrate the principles involved in such a process an Appendix is included which describes how, for one particular design case, some improvement may be achieved in the factor governing the onset of turbulent boundary layer separation. In an Addendum the effects are considered of modification to the aerofoil design procedure in ESDU 71019 to include boundary layer displacement effects and an improved description of the effects of compressibility.Indexed under:
- Aerofoils with Roof-Top Pressure Distribution
- Preston's Criterion for Transition
- Profile Drag
- Transition
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