ESDU 07005
Normal force and pitching moment of non-axisymmetric bodies: square cross-sections with corner rounding.
ESDU 07005 presents a semi-empirical means of estimation for normal force and pitching moment coefficient of forebody-cylinder combinations whose cross-sections are square with corner rounding; the cross-sectional shape being maintained along the body length. Although the method is derived from test data for bodies with tangent-ogival and conical forebodies, the method can, with care, be applied to other forebody profiles. A primary requirement of the method is that the distribution of cross-sectional area along the non-circular body can be modelled by an 'equivalent' axisymmetric body for which normal-force-curve and pitching-moment-curve slopes at zero angle of attack are either known or can be calculated. Such data may be found in ESDU 89008, which is programmed in part in ESDUpac A9034, and covers a range of typical forebody profiles. Most of the available data are for roll angles of 0 and 45 degrees, however, some very limited data have been used to extract an interpolation factor to enable prediction at roll angles between 0 and 45 degrees, with due caution. The accuracy of the method for normal force coefficient has been assessed as about ±10% of the experimental value and the centre of pressure position is predicted to within about ±0.08 on body length. The use of the method is illustrated by means of a worked example.Indexed under:
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