ESDU 03017
Pitching moment curve of wings with leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed at low speeds.
ESDU 03017 provides an empirical method for predicting the non-linear pitching-moment curve for wings with leading-edge devices and/or trailing-edge flaps deployed symmetrically at low speeds.The method has been validated for wings with part-span or full-span split flaps, plain flaps, single-slotted and double-slotted flaps, plain leading-edge flaps, Krüger flaps and slats. Combined deployment of devices of different types and of different spanwise extent is allowed for. The method has been evaluated against an extensive experimental database for wings of aspect ratio above 4 and it is recommended for use up to at least C sub Lmax - 0.3. Its satisfactory employment towards maximum lift is discussed. At angles of attack of 10 degrees and the angle for C sub Lmax - 0.3, the rms errors in the predicted increment in pitching moment coefficient from the value at zero angle of attack are 0.006 and 0.009, respectively. A worked example illustrates the use of the method.Indexed under:
- Aerofoils
- Leading-Edge High-Lift Devices
- Pitching Moment
- Plain Flaps
- Slotted Flaps
- Split Flaps
- Wings
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