- see also
- Rotating Machinery
- see
- Rotary Seals
- Design of, 09004
- Performance Assessment of, 09004
- Selection of, 09004, 80012
- Types Available
- advantages and limitations, 09004, 80012
- life, 09004, 80012
- maximum fluid pressure and shaft speed, 09004, 80012
- radial, 09004
- shaft and housing finishes required, 09004, 80012
- special design features that can be used, 09004, 80012
- staggered, 09004
- stepped, 09004
- straight-through, 09004
- typical applications, 09004, 80012
- Air Temperature Probes
- response to transients, 84007
- Anemometric Data Measuring System in Aircraft
- effect of transition from laminar flow on use of ground calibration, 87038
- experimental determination for installed system, 87038
- incorporation of correction to pitot and static pressures, 83029, 87038, 88025
- pitot and static errors due to, 85011
- theoretical treatment of acoustic and viscous, 87038
- Calibration of Pressure Air Data Systems, 20006
- see also
- Beams of Sandwich Construction
- Corner Section in Specially-Orthotropic Plates
- Curved Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Curved Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Curved Unbalanced Laminated Rectangular Plates
- Cylinders of Laminated Construction
- Faceplate Wrinkling
- Failure Modes
- Flat Panels with Fibre-Reinforced Unflanged Integral Stiffeners
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Corrugated Cores)
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Truss Cores)
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Square Plates
- Flat Strips of Orthotropic Materials
- Flat Unbalanced Laminated Rectangular Plates
- Sandwich Panels and Plates
- Spherical Shells of Laminated Construction
- Struts of Sandwich Construction
- Criterion for Edge Delamination Failure, 95028
- Definition of Balanced and Unbalanced Laminates, 94003
- types of stiffness coupling in unbalanced, 94003
- Dynamic Response to Excitation
- Elastic Constants
- calculation from properties of individual layers, 02009, 83035, 94003
- calculation from properties of matrix and fibres, 02009, 83035
- Fatigue Strength Under Acoustic Loading
- aluminium-glassfibre epoxy (GLARE) laminates including temperature effects, 84027
- design considerations to improve, 86025
- fibre-reinforced laminates and skin-rib joints, 84027
- Flexural and In-Plane Stiffnesses
- calculation from properties of individual layers, 02009, 83035, 94003
- calculation from properties of matrix and fibres, 02009, 83035
- related to any reference plane in terms of those related to central plane, 94003
- Interlaminar Stresses at Free Edges in Composite Plates Under Uniaxial Strain
- program for estimation, 95028
- use to predict delamination, 95028
- Layer Strains and Stresses
- formulae for transforming values between axes systems, 94003
- Layer Stresses in Balanced and Unbalanced Laminates
- due to applied loads and moments and temperature variation, 94004
- due to method of manufacture, 94004
- Layer Stresses in Unbalanced Laminates
- due to restraining flat, 94004
- Plate Curvatures and Strains for Balanced and Unbalanced Laminates
- due to applied loads and moments and temperature variation, 94004
- due to method of manufacture, 94004
- Plates Tapered in Thickness by Ply Drop-Offs
- program to predict uniaxial load for delamination, 91003
- use of fracture mechanics to predict delamination, 91003
- Plate Strains for Unbalanced Laminates
- due to restraining flat, 94004
- Program to Compute Stress and Strain Distribution Around Circular Hole, 85001
- use to design reinforcement in fibre-reinforced composites, 86003
- Program to Design Most Effective Laminate to Support In-Plane Loads and Bending Moment
- choice of ply thicknesses and lay-up using 0?, 90?, ?45? layers only, 96036
- Stacking Sequences for Special Orthotropy, 82013
- selection of stacking sequence to meet stiffness criteria, 82013
- Structural Damping
- discussion of effect of fibre angle, length and volume, and temperature, 91012
- program for calculation of fibre-reinforced, 85012
- typical values, 91012
- Through-Thickness Shear Stiffnesses of Plate Materials, 89013
- illustration of trends with material characteristics, 89013
- Autolanding Threshold Dispersion Data Analysis
- as illustration of use of statistical techniques, 91019
- Correlation of Changes in Drag-Minus-Thrust and Lift in Airborne Manoeuvre
- deduced from speeds at screen and touch-down, 91032, 92020
- discussion of effect of landing style, 92020
- example plots for wide range of aircraft and power plants, 92020
- Determination of Airborne Distance By Regression Applied to Measurements
- of airborne time, and screen and touch-down speeds and rates of descent, 92022
- Development of Relation Between Approach Speed and Ground Run
- by regression applied to measurements, 92021
- Estimation
- airborne distance, 91032, 92020
- approach speed, PERF EG6/2
- average value of drag-minus-thrust during airborne phase, 91032
- certification airborne manoeuvre, 91032
- circular arc representation of airborne phase, 91032
- discussion of deceleration techniques, 85029
- effect of power cut height on airborne distance, 91032
- effect of runway gradient, 91032
- effect of wind and wind gradient on airborne distance, 91032, 92020
- field length factors defined by airworthiness requirements, 84040
- ground run, PERF EG6/4
- ground run prediction on wet runway from aircraft stopping distance test data, 99015
- ground run prediction on wet runway from friction ground-test machine data, 99015
- introduction to Data Items on, 80026
- limiting speeds defined by airworthiness requirements, 85029
- speed loss in airborne phase to touch-down, 91032
- thrust decay of turbo-fan and turbo-jet engines, 85029
- time delays in response of mechanical deceleration devices, 85029
- time from screen to touch-down, 91032
- total distance from 50 ft, 84040
- touch-down speed from airborne time and screen speed, 92020
- typical speed losses before brake application, 85029
- typical touch-down speeds related to screen speeds, 85029
- typical values of deceleration in ground run, 76011
- use of braking parachutes, 85029
- Fatigue Loading in Ground Run
- see
- Fatigue Loading
- Impingement Drag Due to Tyre Sidespray Impacting Airframe
- see
- Impingement Drag
- Prediction of Tyre Sidespray Envelope for Water and Slush, 83042
- Reduction of Measured Data, 80009, PERF RG2/1
- vectored-jet-thrust aircraft, 87037
- Turbulence During Approach
- see also
- Turbulence Near Ground
- stalling due to, PERF EG6/2
- Fatigue Strength
- Strength Analysis
- maximum stresses in plates under compression or tension, 67008
- See under compound of interest
- see also
- Atmospheric Effects on Sound
- Estimation for Aircraft With Rear-Fuselage Turbo-Fan or Turbo-Jet Engines
- effect of distance and elevation angle on third-octave sound pressures, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- in subjective noise units Addendum, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- program for third-octave sound pressures
- Estimation for Aircraft With Underwing Turbo-Fan or Turbo-Jet Engines
- effect of distance and elevation angle on third-octave sound pressures, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- in subjective noise units Addendum, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- program for third-octave sound pressures
- Explanation of Derivation of Prediction Method for Aircraft
- effect of aircraft flow field, 81035
- effect of jet-by-jet shielding, 81035, 88023
- effect of meteorological conditions, 81035
- effect of sampling time, 81035
- elimination of background noise, 81035
- use of ground reflection correction to data, 81035
- use of measured or predicted atmospheric attenuation, 81035
- Approximate Solution to Modes of Motion, 83024
- comparison with full solution for particular aircraft, 83024
- Description of Modes of Lateral Motion and Effect of Aircraft Characteristics on Them
- Dutch roll, 83024, 86021
- rolling subsidence and spiral mode, 86021
- Desirable Characteristics of Lateral Modes for Good Aircraft Handling Qualities, 92006
- Effect of Control Augmentation on Dutch Roll, 83024
- Effect of Idealised Yaw Damper on Dutch Roll, 83024
- Equations of Motion
- rigid aircraft, 67003, 83024, 86021
- separation of lateral/longitudinal sets and appropriate characteristic equations, 67003, 86021
- Estimation of Roll Response to Aileron Input, PERF EG8/2
- Inertia Coupling of Lateral/Longitudinal Equations
- rapid rolling manoeuvre, 67005, 67006, 67007
- Requirements for Minimum Values of Damping and Frequency of Dutch Roll
- for military aircraft handling, according to aircraft class and flight phase, 92006
- Requirements for Roll Performance and Roll Time Constant
- for military aircraft handling, according to aircraft class and flight phase, 92006
- Dynamic Response to Turbulence and Wind
- Mean Forces and Moments Due to Wind or Other Fluid Flows
- Mechanical Vibration Characteristics
- see
- Buildings
- Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity
- temperature variation in liquid state, 66024
- see also
- Leading-Edge High-Lift Devices
- Choice of Optimum Deflection on Aerofoil Using Multivariate Gradient Search and CFD Codes
- example studies for single design point, 00022, 00023, 99020
- example study together with camber line shape for two design points, 99021
- example study together with surface shape for two design points, 01024
- Effect of Deflection on Drag, Lift, Hinge and Pitching Moments and Pressure Distribution
- in subsonic or transonic flow, 01033
- Effect of Deflection on Drag, Lift, Pitching Moment and Pressure Distribution
- in subsonic or transonic flow, 96028, 96029
- Drooped Leading Edge or Plain Flap
- angle of attack for maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- effect on lift of wings at zero angle of attack, 96032, 97002
- effect on maximum lift of basic aerofoil and its lift at zero angle of attack, 94027
- effect on maximum lift of wings, 92031
- effect on pitching moment of basic aerofoil and wing, 00029, 03017
- lift curve from zero to maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- program to predict, 99031
- Effect of Deflection on Drag, Hinge and Pitching Moments, Lift and Pressure Distribution
- in subsonic or transonic flow, 01033
- Example of Calculation of Local Excrescence Contribution to Drag, 93032
- Slats or Sealed Slats
- angle of attack for maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- effect on lift of wings at zero angle of attack, 96032, 97002
- effect on maximum lift of basic aerofoil and its lift at zero angle of attack, 94027
- effect on maximum lift of wings, 92031
- effect on pitching moment of basic aerofoil and wing, 00029, 03017
- lift curve from zero to maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- program to predict, 99031
- Slats or Sealed Slats in Combination With Trailing-Edge High-Lift Devices
- angle of attack for maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- effect on lift of wings at zero angle of attack, 93019, 95021, 96032, 97002, 97009, 97011
- effect on maximum lift of basic aerofoil and its lift at zero angle of attack, 94027, 94028, 94029, 94030, 94031
- effect on maximum lift of wings, 91014, 92031
- effect on pitching moment of basic aerofoil and wing, 00029, 03017
- lift curve from zero to maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- program to predict, 99031
- Unvented and Vented Krugers
- angle of attack for maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- effect on lift of wings at zero angle of attack, 96032, 97002
- effect on maximum lift of basic aerofoil and its lift at zero angle of attack, 94027
- effect on maximum lift of wings, 92031
- effect on pitching moment of basic aerofoil and wing, 00029, 03017
- lift curve from zero to maximum lift of aerofoils and wings, 96003
- program to predict, 99031
- With Slot
- contribution to airframe noise, 90023
- Aerofoils
- attainable value from theoretical value for thin aerofoil, 95025, 96025
- Swept Non-Planar and Planar Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- spanwise distribution of attainable values, 96025
- Swept Straight-Tapered Plane Wings at Supersonic Speeds, AERO W.S.02.03.02
- Swept Straight-Tapered Plane Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- spanwise distribution of attainable values, 95025
- Theoretical Values for Thin Straight-Tapered Plane Wings at Subsonic Speeds
- spanwise distribution and total, 94037, 94038
- Use of Analogy for Lift Estimation at Subsonic Speeds
- swept non-planar and planar wings to high angle of attack, 96025
- swept straight-tapered plane wings to high angle of attack, 95025
- see also
- Quadrature
- see also
- Pressure Spectrum Level
- see
- Speed
- Extreme-Value Analysis
- see
- Gumbel
- see also
- Aerodynamic Loading
- Airforce Coefficients
- Flutter Derivatives
- Interference
- Lift Force Due To Pitching (ZQ or Czq)
- Lift Limit
- Lift Variation with Control Deflection
- Lift-Curve Slope
- Maximum Lift
- Normal Force
- Pressure Distribution
- Sideforce
- Unsteady Aerodynamics
- Wind-Tunnel Corrections for Wings
- Aerofoil Design to Optimise Using Multivariate Gradient Search and CFD Codes
- introduction to method, 99019
- Aerofoils
- comparison of results from VGK with experimental results, with/without control deflection, 96028
- comparison of results from VGK with results from other theories, 96028
- design for low drag over a range of lift coefficient, 99003
- discussion of behaviour with fixed transition position of lift-drag polar at subsonic speeds, 00027
- estimation at supersonic speeds, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.00.03.05
- estimation in viscous subsonic or transonic flow using VGK, 96028, 96029
- Aerofoils at High Subsonic Freestream Mach Numbers
- discussion of variation in relation to flow features, 90008
- Aerofoils at Zero Angle of Attack, 72024, 97020, 98011
- effect of double-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 94027, 94031
- effect of leading-edge high-lift devices alone, 94027
- effect of plain flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 94027, 94028
- effect of single-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 94027, 94030
- effect of split flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 94027, 94029
- effect of triple-slotted flaps, alone or with leading-edge high-lift devices, 94027, 94031
- introduction to Data Items on effect of high-lift devices on, 94026
- Aerofoils With Sealed Leading- and/or Trailing-Edge Controls or Flaps
- effect of deflection in subsonic or transonic flow, 01033, 96028, 96029
- Aircraft
- increment due to ground effect, 72023
- Angle of Attack for Maximum Lift
- aerofoils or wings with or without leading- or trailing-edge high-lift devices, 96003
- program to predict, 99031
- Angle of Attack for Zero Lift
- aerofoils in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024, 98011
- aerofoils in subcritical attached flow, 98011
- cambered and twisted wings, 87031
- cambered and twisted wings with approximately circular-section fuselage, 89042
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series aerofoils, 99003
- Biconvex Aerofoils, AERO W.S.00.03.04
- Curve Against Angle of Attack From Zero to Maximum
- aerofoils or wings with or without leading- or trailing-edge high-lift devices, 96003
- program to predict, 99031
- Double-Wedge Aerofoils, AERO W.S.00.03.04, AERO W.S.00.03.05
- Elliptical-Section Aerofoils, 79026
- Example of Procedure in Calculation of Effects of Propeller Slipstream on Horizontal Tailplane Flow-field, TM 193
- Flaps
- Missile-Type Wing-Body Combinations
- effect of wing height at low incidence in subsonic or supersonic flow, 95009
- Similarity Laws at Subsonic or Supersonic Speeds
- applied to coefficient in axisymmetric flow, 97025
- Similarity Laws at Subsonic, Supersonic or Transonic Speeds
- applied to coefficient in two- or three-dimensional flow, 97025
- Spoiler (Perforated or Solid) Deflected at Low Speed in Free Air
- estimation of decrement with trailing-edge flaps deployed, 14005
- estimation of decrement with trailing-edge flaps undeployed, 14004
- Spoiler (Solid) Deflected at Low Speed in Ground Effect
- estimation of decrement due to, 76026
- Swept Non-Planar and Planar Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- prediction from leading-edge suction analogy, 96025
- Swept Straight-Tapered Plane Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- prediction from leading-edge suction analogy, 95025
- Two Staggered Lifting Surfaces Trimmed With Given Static Margin
- program for calculation, 81023
- Vectored-Jet-Thrust Aircraft
- example of jet-induced loss in free air, 87037
- example of variation of lift in ground effect, 87037
- Viscous Full-potential (VFP) Method for Three Dimensional Wings and Wing-body Combinations
- estimation of excrescence drag at subsonic speeds and analysis program, 23013
- Wing/Flap/Nacelle Combination Submerged in Propeller Slipstream
- for multi-propellers on straight wing, 88031
- Wings at Zero Angle of Attack With Full- or Part-Span Flaps, 93019, 95021, 96032, 97002, 97009, 97011
- effect of drooped leading edge, slats or sealed slats, 96032
- effect of Kruger, vented or unvented, 96032
- introduction to Data Items on, 97002
- Wings at Zero Angle of Attack With Leading-Edge Full- or Part-Span High-Lift Devices, 96032
- effect of double-slotted flaps, 95021, 96032, 97002
- effect of plain flaps, 96032, 97002, 97011
- effect of single-slotted flaps, 93019, 96032, 97002
- effect of split flaps, 96032, 97002, 97009
- effect of triple-slotted flaps, 95021, 96032, 97002
- introduction to Data Items on, 97002
- Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- program for non-planar and planar, 96025
- straight-tapered planar, 95025
- see also
- Normal-Force-Curve Slope
- Aerofoils
- approximate theoretical expressions for, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.00.03.04
- effect of separation characteristics at low speed on, 66034
- in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024
- in subcritical compressible flow, 97020
- prediction of initial non-linearity without high-lift devices, 88030
- prediction of non-linear with high-lift devices deployed, 96003
- program to predict minimum for subcritical speeds, 06020
- Annular Wings, 77012
- Effect of Cut-Out, AERO W.01.01.04
- Fins
- Isolated Lifting Surfaces
- supersonic, AERO A.S.01.03.02
- Missile-Type Wing-Body Combinations
- mid-wing configuration at low incidence in subsonic or supersonic flow, 91007
- Tailplane
- estimation for fin- or body-mounted in subcritical flow, 89029
- Wings
- prediction of initial non-linearity for plane or non-planar without high-lift devices, 88030
- prediction of non-linear with high-lift devices deployed, 96003
- subsonic flow, 70011, 95010, TM 169
- supersonic flow, 70012
- Estimation of Increment Due to Deployment of Perforated or Solid Spoiler, 96026
- including effect of downwash at spoiler due to flap deployment, 96026
- Introduction, 66031
- Program for Swept Non-Planar and Planar Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- prediction from leading-edge suction and viscous axial force, 96025
- Swept Straight-Tapered Plane Wings at Supersonic Speeds, AERO W.S.02.03.02
- Swept Straight-Tapered Plane Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- prediction from leading-edge suction and viscous axial force, 95025
- see
- Spoilers
- Contribution Due to Tailplane at Subsonic Speeds, 90010
- Contribution Due to Wing at Subsonic Speeds, 90010
- Contribution Due to Wing at Supersonic Speeds, AERO W.S.08.03.02
- Effect of Wing/Body Interference at Subsonic Speeds, 90010
- Dynamic Response to Turbulence and Wind
- Mean Forces and Moments Due to Wind
- Mechanical Vibration Characteristics
- see
- Buildings
- see also
- Indicial Aerodynamics
- Tails
- Winglets
- Wings
- Isolated
- lift-curve slope, AERO A.S.01.03.02
- spanwise position of centre of pressure, AERO A.S.06.03.04
- General Discussion Relating to Use in Unsteady Aerodynamics, 82020
- Multhopp's, 82020, 95010, TD MEMO 6309, TD MEMO 6403
- see also
- Aerodynamic Loading
- Controls
- three-dimensional flow, 74011, 74012
- Controls (Gap Sealed)
- two-dimensional flow, AERO C.01.01.03
- Controls (With Gap)
- two-dimensional flow, AERO C.01.01.04