ESDU 71020
Aerofoils having a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution: details and comments on design.
Details are given of a series of aerofoils that have been used for parametric studies of drag-rise Mach number, of profile drag at the drag-rise Mach number and for a limited study of profile drag at off-design conditions. This series constitutes a selection from families of aerofoils designed by an inverse process to give a specified and particular form of upper-surface pressure distribution at the drag-rise Mach number in a manner that is especially appropriate for application to swept wings at high-subsonic speeds. The influence is discussed of the principal design variables on the geometrical shape of the cambered aerofoils that have so far been derived to the specification. Attention is drawn to certain limitations having aerodynamic significance that result from the use of a restricted range and particular type of thickness distribution. These limitations do not detract from the usefulness of the aerofoils as a basis for parametric and initial design studies but are such that modifications would be required at the detail design stage. These could be introduced through defining the aerofoil specification in greater detail and then employing the same inverse method of derivation to determine the new geometry.Indexed under:
- Aerofoil Coordinates
- Aerofoils
- Aerofoils with Roof-Top Pressure Distribution
- Drag-Rise Mach Number
- Pressure Distribution
- Wave Drag
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