ESDU 69013
A method for estimating the pressure distribution on the surface of a two-dimensional aerofoil in a sonic stream.
ESDU 69013 presents a method for calculating the pressure distribution on an aerofoil in a sonic stream. The method, the derivation of which is given, is based on theoretical and empirical relationships and comprises a number of separate procedures which are set out. To apply these procedures it is necessary to specify only the aerofoil geometry and the angle of incidence for which the calculation is to be made. Each calculation is made essentially in four main stages. The first stage determines the stagnation point, the second and third stages evaluate the subsonic flow over appropriate portions of the aerofoil and the fourth stage evaluates the region of supersonic flow. The method may be applied to a wide range of both round- and sharp-nosed, lifting and non-lifting sections.Indexed under:
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