ESDU A-Z Index: G-GZ
- see
- Zinc Plating
- Effect on Control Hinge Moments, AERO C.04.01.00, AERO C.04.01.04
- Effect on Drag of Chordwise and Spanwise Round Controls or Flaps
- examples of calculation, 93032, ASTEROID
- undeflected at low speeds, 92039, ASTEROID
- Effect on Lift-Curve Slope, AERO C.01.01.04
- Effect on Lift Variation With Control Deflection, AERO C.01.01.04
- Effect on Tab Hinge Moments, AERO C.04.01.08
- See under substance of interest
- Calorically Imperfect Diatomic
- calculated thermodynamic properties, AERO 00.01.09
- Physical Properties
- Thrust Measurement in Flight, 69007
- see
- Statistics
- Numerical Techniques for Definite Integrals
- see
- Quadrature
- Driving Planar Multi-Bar Linkages
- analysis using OSMEC program, 97026
- Parallel Axis Straight Spur and Helical
- accuracy and its influence on design, 88033
- application and dynamic factors to BS 436, 88033
- avoidance of tooth resonance, 77002, 88033
- choice between, 77002
- choice of centre distance and facewidth, 68040, 88033
- choice of helix angle, 77002
- choice of number of teeth, 77002, 88033
- choice of standard normal modules and pitches, 77002
- crowning, 88033
- definition and limits of tip diameter factor, 77002
- definition of addendum modification, 77002
- design to BS 436 with discussion of design factors and their values, 88033
- effect of case hardening on design, 88033
- effect on pressure angle of change of centre distance, 77002
- facewidth ratio, 88033
- fatigue strength, 68040, 88033
- geometric design in British or SI units, 77002
- illustration of tooth forms, 77002
- lead correction and accuracy required, 88033
- limits of speed and torque, 77002
- load factors to BS 436, 88033
- manufacturing processes and relative costs, 88033
- preliminary design procedure, 88033
- properties of steels for use in, 68040, 88033
- ratio split, 88033
- relationship of diametral pitch to normal module and pitch, 77002
- relative production costs, 88033
- safety factors to BS 436, 88033
- shaft deflection and effect on rating, 88033
- sizing for bending and surface stresses, 88033
- surface treatments, 68040, 88033, 89031
- table of preferred normal modules and pitches, 77002
- types of cutter, 77002
- External or Internal, Lubricated or Unlubricated, With Pin or Roller
- contact ellipse and stress, 96002, 96011, ME3
- contact force between pin or roller and slot, 96002, 96011, ME3
- crank shaft torque and peak value, 96002, 96011, ME3
- design for fixed diameter wheel or fixed centre distance, 96002, 96011
- forces on crank and wheel shafts and peak values, 96002, 96011, ME3
- geometry of crank and wheel, 96002, 96011, ME3
- guidance on use of program to inprove design, 96002
- kinematic and kinetostatic equtions, ME3
- lubricant film thickness and entrainment velocity, 96002, 96011, ME3
- program for design, 96011
- roller life estimation, 96002, 96011, ME3
- shaking force, 96002, 96011, ME3
- time for dwell and indexing motion, 96002, 96011, ME3
- wheel acceleration, displacement and velocity, 96002, 96011, ME3
- Worked Examples Illustrating Design Procedure and Use of Software, 96035
- analysis of start-up/shut-down effects including determination of worst case, 99001
- design changes required to bring contact stress below allowable value, 99001
- treatment of varying external torque and crank speed, 99001
- Axes Transformation
- Diffusers
- Ellipsoidal and Spherical, and Blunted Tangent and Secant Ogive Forebodies
- see
- Forebody
- Wings
- see
- Wing Geometry
- Definition, 68046, 73017, 77021, 77022, 78008
- Graph of Equivalent Geometric Altitude to 80 km, 77021
- Program to Convert Atmospheric Data
- to data in geometric or pressure height, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- Relationship With Pressure Altitude
- in any atmosphere, 78012
- in extreme design atmospheres, 78008
- in off-standard and standard atmospheres, 77022
- Tables of Equivalent Geometric Altitude to 50 km, 68046, 77022
- Estimation of Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Strength, 75022
- see
- Beams in General
- see
- Rotary Seals
- Composite Aluminium Glass-Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Laminate
- Low-Drag Aerofoil Design
- see
- Gunaca Aerofoils
- Application to Bodies of Revolution, 74013
- Estimation of Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Strength, 75022
- see
- Slender Wings
- see
- Rate of Climb
- Condensers Manufactured From, 85022
- Use as Bearing Material With Fillers
- see also
- Dry Rubbing Bearings
- sketches of typical variation of friction coefficient with load and speed, 89044
- Use as Contact Seal Material in Reciprocating Applications, 83031
- Use as Filler in Polymer (With or Without Backing) Bearing Materials
- Use as Plate Material in Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers, 95007
- Effect of Heading, Height, Latitude and Speed on Local Value Experienced
- approximate expressions and graphical solutions, 73018
- detailed equations, 79018
- great circle and rhumb-line tracks, 79018
- Inclusion in Equations of Motion of an Aircraft, 67003, 86021
- Method of Excluding From Three-Axis Accelerometer Readings
- in determining aircraft true acceleration, 98024
- Standard Sea-Level Value, 77021, 77022
- Variation of Local Value With Height, 77022, 79018
- International Reference Ellipsoid, 79018
- Variation of Local Value With Latitude, 79018
- inclusion in program for aircraft performance estimation, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- Estimation of Grease Renewal or Relubrication Interval
- effect of bearing type, 78032
- effect of cage location, 78032
- effect of grease type, 78032
- effect of load, 78032
- effect of shock and vibration environment, 78032
- effect of speed, 78032
- effect of temperature, 78032
- effect of type of mounting, 78032
- Temperature Behaviour From Start-Up
- typical examples, 78032
- use as indicator of over- or under-greasing, 78032
- see also
- Gauzes
- Normal Force
- Used in Computational Fluid Mechanics
- Outlets to Air-Conditioning Ducts
- see
- Runways
- Profile Drag Increment in Turbulent Boundary Layer
- see
- Excrescences
- Effect on Pressure Drop
- Stress Concentration Data
- Small With Respect to Diameter
- stress concentration data under axial load, bending or torsion, 79032
- Small With Respect to Diameter
- stress concentration data under axial load, bending or torsion, 79032
- Aircraft
- decrement in lift due to spoiler deployment, 76026
- example of effect on lift for particular vectored-jet-thrust aircraft, 87037
- increment in downwash, 72023
- increment in drag due to spoiler deployment, 76026
- increment in drag minus thrust, 91032
- increment in tailplane lift, 72023
- increments in drag and lift, 72023
- Slender Wings
- increments in normal force and pitching moment, 71007
- Airframe Impingement Drag Due to Tyre Sidespray
- see
- Impingement Drag
- Axes Systems for Use in, 85030
- Basic Equations, 85029
- Discussion of Airframe/Ground/Propulsion Interference, 85029
- vectored-jet-thrust aircraft, 87037
- Force and Moment Components Due to Airframe, Ground Reaction and Propulsion, 85030
- General Discussion of Factors Influencing, 85029
- Limiting Speeds Defined by Airworthiness Requirements, 85029
- Transformation of Parameters Between Various Axes Systems, 85030
- Undercarriage Load/Deflection Characteristics, 85029
- Correction of Measured Sound Pressure Levels, 94035
- basis of theory, 94035
- discussion of effect of distributed sources, 94035
- effect of real filter characteristics, 94035
- effect of source velocity, 94035
- effect of turbulence on coherence of direct and reflected waves, 94035
- ground impedance two parameter model for use in prediction, 94035
- minimisation by choice of microphone height, 94035
- sensitivity of results to choice of parameters in ground impedance and turbulence models, 94035
- Discussion of Interference Between Reflected and Incident Waves, 02020
- see
- Landing
- see
- Spoilers
- see also
- Standard Fatigue Loading Sequences
- Definition From Cumulative Frequency Diagram, 79024
- Design for Low Drag Over a Range of Lift Coefficient
- aerodynamic centre and pitching moment at zero lift, 99003
- comparison of geometric and inviscid flow characteristics with those of NACA 6-series, 99003
- lift-curve slope and zero-lift angle of attack, 99003
- pressure and velocity distributions, 99003
- program for geometric and inviscid flow characteristics, 99003
- Use as Hydrodynamic Bearing Material
- guide to selection, 88018
- Stalling Due to Vertical Gusts, PERF EG6/2
- Basic Equations for Behaviour and Transfer Functions, 85026