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Trailing Static Sensors and Cones
Use of to Determine Pressure Error Correction Coefficient, 20006
Trailing Vortex Drag
see also
Lift Dependent Drag
Wind-Tunnel Corrections for Wings
Discussion of Wing/Winglet Design to Reduce, 98013
Flaps Deployed on Cambered and Twisted or Plane Wings, 01007
effect of fuselage interference, 97003
program for estimation for any flap and wing geometry, 01007
tabulated values for selected flap and wing geometries, 01007
Flaps Deployed on Plane Wing With Elliptical Loading
theoretical increment due to full- or part-span, AERO F.02.01.08
Treatment in Drag Estimation Methods, 97016
Use of Winglets to Reduce With Wing Lift and Root Bending Moment Constraint
examples of various winglet lengths and cant angles, 98013
Validity of Lifting Line Theory to Calculate, 98013
Wings, 10022, 66031, 74035
Trailing Vortex System
Transfer Functions
Application to Sampled-Data Systems, 86037
First- and Second-Order Linear Systems, 69005
For Various Servomechanisms, 85026
Transfer Rule
Estimation of Wave Drag, AERO A.S.02.03.01
Transformation of Axes
Axes System Transformations
see also
effect on drag, hinge and pitching moments, lift and pressure distribution, 01033
effect on drag, lift, pitching moment, pressure distribution, 96028, 96029
effect on lift-curve slope, 97020
effect on profile drag, AERO W.02.04.00, AERO W.02.04.02, AERO W.02.04.03
estimation of minimum profile drag for cambered or uncambered with fixed, 00027
estimation of skin friction drag in presence of pressure field, 06001
prediction for conditions of laminar separation/turbulent reattachment, 96028, 96029
Aerofoils With Roof-Top Pressure Distribution
effect on profile drag, 67011
Bodies of Revolution at Zero Incidence
effect on boundary layer characteristics, 79020
effect on profile drag, 78019
Crossflow About Bluff Bodies
Critical Conditions in Fluid Flow
Effect of Surface Roughness, AERO W.02.04.09
Effect of Surface Waviness, AERO W.02.04.11
Effect on Lift-Curve Slope, AERO W.01.01.05
Flat Plates at Zero Incidence
effect on mean skin friction drag, 78019
Flow in Straight Ducts
generalised Reynolds number for prediction in non-Newtonian flow, 91025, 95012
range of critical Reynolds number, 66027
Forebody-Cylinders at Supersonic Speeds
effect on pitching moment derivative due to acceleration in heave, 91004
Journal Bearings
Reynolds number for superlaminar flow, 85028, 93006
Method to Calculate Momentum Thickness Increase due to Transition Trip Using Sparsely Distributed Ballotini, 13013
Preston's Criterion, 67011
Transmission of Vibrational Power
Response of Lightweight Structures
Transmission Oils
Transonic Aerodynamics Series
see also
Aerodynamics Series
Location of Items in ESDU Series, 99034
Record of Amendments to Items in ESDU Series, 99034
Transonic Area Rule
Explanatory Notes on Transonic and Supersonic Area Rules, AERO A.S.02.03.01
Transonic Drag Rise
Drag Rise
Drag-Rise Mach Number
Transonic Similarity Law
Similarity Laws
Transonic Small Perturbation Equation
Solution by Finite Difference Techniques for Flow Over Aerofoils
calculation of pressure distribution in inviscid flow, 79009
effect of wind-tunnel blockage on pressure distribution in viscous flow, 81019
extension to viscous flow for computation of pressure distribution, 81019
Transport Properties
Dynamic Viscosity
Kinematic Viscosity
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Diffusivity
Transus Temperature
Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V)
influence on fatigue strength, 19002
Tresca Criterion of Yielding
Ductile Materials, 73004, STRUCT 02.00.00
Triangular Holes with Rounded Corners in Flat Plates
Various In-Plane Loadings
stress concentration data, 80027
Triangular Plates
see also
Flat Plates
Inclined to Flow
centre of pressure and normal force, 70015
Normal to Flow
normal force and interference effects between pair, 70015
Stress Analysis
Flat Triangular Plates
Triangular-Section Cylinders
Dynamic Response to Turbulence and Wind
Response of Buildings and Structures
Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
Mean Forces and Moments Due to Wind or Other Fluid Flows
Overturning Moment on Surface-Mounted Structures
Profile Drag
Cams with Domed or Flat-Faced Followers
Cams with Swinging Roller Followers
Cams with Translating Roller Followers
Contact Phenomena
Dry Rubbing Bearings
Dynamic Viscosity
Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
Friction Coefficient
Grease in Rolling Bearings
Journal Bearings
Lubrication Systems
Porous Metal Bearings
Reciprocating Seals
Rolling Bearings
Rolling Bearings for Specialised Applications
Rotary Seals
Self-Contained Bearing Assemblies
Thrust Bearings
Tribology Series
Wear Resistant Surface Coatings and Treatments
Tribology Series
Location of Items in ESDU Series, 00005
Record of Amendments to Items in ESDU Series, 00005
see also
Effect of Static Aeroelasticity for Conventional Transport Aircraft With Flexible Tailplane and Wing
elevator trim margin in trimmed level flight or steady pull-out, 97032
Effect of Static Aeroelasticity for Conventional Transport Aircraft With Fuselage and Wing
elevator manoeuvre trim margin in steady pull-out, 96037
elevator trim divergence speed, 96037
elevator trim margin in level flight, 96027
Effect of Static Aeroelasticity for Flexible Conventional Transport
elevator angle for level flight or quasi-steady symmetric manoeuvres, 99033
Elevator Angle and Hinge Moment From Static Stability Concepts, 86021
Elevator Angle Required
in ground effect, 72023
Estimation of Contribution to Drag From Longitudinal, 97016
Estimation of Drag Due to Asymmetric Thrust or Other Source
Asymmetric Flight
Triple-Slotted Flaps
Slotted Flaps
Tropical Storms
see also
Extreme Wind Speeds
Guide to Occurrence and Movement, 87034
Wind Distribution in and Reduction of Wind Speed Due to Landfall, 87034
True Airspeed
Calculation using GPS Measurements, 20006, 20007, TM 199
see also
Planar Shapes and Sections With/without Holes
Mean Forces Due to Wind or Other Fluid Flow
Profile Drag
Strength Analysis
Beams in General
Beams of Any Hollow or Solid Polygonal Section
Beams of T-Section
Flat Panels in General
Struts in General
Tube Orifices
Stress Analysis
see also
Beams in General
Beams of Any Hollow or Solid Polygonal Section
Beams of Circular Section
Cylinders of Circular Section (Strength and Vibration)
Pipe Bends (unrestrained)
Pipe Bends (with End Flanges)
Pipe Bends (with Straight Pipe Attachments)
Struts in General
Struts of Tubular Section
Stress Concentration Data
see also
Circular Holes in Round Rods and Tubes
Fillets in Round Rods and Tubes
Fillets of Double Radius in Round Rods and Tubes
Grooves of Flat-Bottomed Section Inside or Outside Tubes
Grooves of U-Section Inside or Outside Tubes
duct/plate junctions (duct on one side or through plate), 80027
With External Flow
Tubes in Crossflow
With Internal Flow
Pipes with Internal Flow
Tubes in Crossflow
Banks of Circular-Section Cylinders or Plain Tubes
Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Pressure Drop Across Obstructions in Ducts
Pressure Drop Across Tube Banks
Response of Buildings and Structures
Banks of High-Finned Tubes
Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Pressure Drop Across Tube Banks
Banks of Low-Finned Tubes
Condensing Flow Over Low-Finned Tubes
Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Pressure Drop Across Tube Banks
Heat Exchangers
Crossflow Heat Exchangers
Pressure Drop Across Tube Banks
Pairs of Circular-Section Cylinders or Plain Tubes
Profile Drag
Response of Buildings and Structures
Single Circular-Section Cylinder or Plain Tube
Axial Force
Base Pressure
Bluff Bodies
Critical Conditions in Fluid Flow
Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Free Convection Heat Transfer
Normal Force
Overturning Moment on Surface-Mounted Structures
Pressure Distribution
Pressure Drop Across Obstructions in Ducts
Profile Drag
Response of Buildings and Structures
Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
Response of Buildings and Structures To Vortex Shedding
Response of Lightweight Structures
Vortex Shedding
Small Groups of Circular-Section Cylinders or Plain Tubes
Response of Buildings and Structures
Tubes with Internal Flow
Pipes with Internal Flow
Tube Viscometer
Turbine-Type Flowmeters
Pressure Drop Across, 66030
Turbo-Fan and Turbo-Jet Engines
see also
Jet Noise
Reheated Engines
Reverse Thrust
Thrust of Turbo-Fan and Turbo-Jet Engines
Turbomachinery Noise
Windmilling Engines
Approximate Relationship Between Intake and Nozzle Areas, 81009
Discussion of Installation Effects on Noise as Measured on Isolated Powerplant, 02020
illustration of typical effects for static aircraft, 02020
Discussion of Various Contributions to Noise, 02020
including connsideration of combustion and core noise, 02020
Non-Dimensional Relationships, 70020
Specific Fuel Consumption
variation with Mach number and by-pass ratio, 73019
Typical Break Down of Component Contributions to Noise, 02020
for turbo-fan at take-off and when landing, 02020
radiation patterns in half-plane below engine axis, 02020
Variation of Jet Velocity With By-Pass Ratio, 02020
Turbomachinery Noise
Turbomachinery Noise
see also
Acoustic Absorption Coefficient
Acoustic Impedance
Atmospheric Effects on Sound
Ground Reflection Effect on Noise
Lateral Noise Attenuation
Buzz-Saw Tones Due to Supersonic Fan in Duct
estimation of far-field pressure levels, 75020
estimation of near-field pressure levels, 75020
Compressors in Turbo-Fan or Turbo-Jet Engines
far-field with or without inlet guide vanes, single- or multi-stage, 98008
Description of Noise Generating Mechanisms for Axial Flow Compressors and Fans
blade-passing frequency and shaft-order tones, and broadband noise, 02020
Fans in Turbo-Fan Engines
far-field with or without inlet guide vanes, single- or multi-stage, 98008
Turbo-Prop Engines
see also
Propeller Noise
Discussion of Effect of Through Flows on Propeller Thrust, 85017
Non-Dimensional Relationships, 73026
Specific Fuel Consumption
variation with Mach number, 75018
see also
Fatigue Loading
Response of Buildings and Structures To Atmospheric Turbulence
Standard Fatigue Loading Sequences
Turbulence Near Ground
Effect on Diffuser Performance
Effect on Forces and Moments on Circular- and Non Circular-Section Cylinders
Axial Force
Overturning Moment on Surface-Mounted Structures
Profile Drag
Effect on Forces and Moments on Lattice Frames and Towers
Overturning Moment on Surface-Mounted Structures
Profile Drag
Effect on Forces on Beams
discussion, 82007
Effect on Forces on Flat Plates
Normal Force
Effect on Pressure Drop Across Tube Banks
Pressure Drop Across Tube Banks
Intensity and Length Scales
definitions, 74030
Intensity for Specific Conditions in Internal Flow
values, 70015, 71016, 74040, 79026, 80003, 80025, 81027, 81028
Introduction to Estimation Using Concepts of Random Process Theory, 74030
Length Scales for Longitudinal Components in Internal Flow
values in lateral direction for specific conditions, 79026, 80025
values in longitudinal direction for specific conditions, 70015, 71016, 80003
values in vertical direction for specific conditions, 79026
Reynolds Stress
definition and explanation of Taylor's hypothesis, 74030
Turbulence Near Ground
see also
Boundary Walls and Fences
Extreme Wind Speeds
Hoardings (Elevated Above Ground Level)
Autocorrelation Functions
equations as functions of separation distance, 85020
relationship with spectral density, 85020
Calculation of Response of Buildings and Structures to Across-Wind Components, 89049, 92036
cylindrical structures, 92036
Calculation of Response of Buildings and Structures to Along-Wind Components
line-like structures, 87035, 92036
structures not line-like, 88019, 92036
Calculation of Response of Cylindrical Structures to Across-Wind Components, 96031
Co-Coherence and Quad-Coherence Functions
phase for points separated laterally, longitudinally or vertically, 86010
Coherence Function
definition for cross-spectral density function, 86010
prediction for points separated laterally, longitudinally or vertically, 86010
Cross-Correlation Functions
expressed as sum of anti-symmetric and symmetric components, 86010
prediction with or without zero-time lag, 86010
Cross-Spectral Density
relationship with coherence function, 86010
Effect on Coherence of Ground Reflected and Direct Acoustic Waves, 94035
Intensity for All Components
correction of measured values to other conditions, 01008
effect of height, mean wind speed and upwind terrain roughness, 85020
effect of topographical features, 01008
interrelationships of lateral components with longitudinal components, 85020
look-up tables for flat terrain with upwind roughness changes, 84030
program, 01008
Joint-Probability Density Function
normal (Gaussian) distribution, 86010
Length Scales for All Components
correction of measured values to other conditions, 01008
effect of height, mean wind speed and upwind terrain roughness, 01008, 85020, 86010
effect of topographical features, 01008
in across-wind direction, 86010
in along-wind direction, 85020
look-up tables for flat terrain with upwind roughness changes, 86035
program, 01008
Maximum Longitudinal Gust Speed
correction of measured values to other conditions, 01008
effect of height, mean wind speed and upwind terrain roughness, 01008, 83045, 84011
effect of topographical features, 01008, 84011
program, 01008
Probability Density Function
normal (Gaussian) distribution, 85020
Reynolds Stress
effect of height, mean wind speed and upwind terrain roughness, 85020
Spectral Density for All Components
effect of height, mean wind speed and upwind terrain roughness, 01008
effect of topographical features, 01008
Spectral Density for Lateral and Vertical Components
effect of height and upwind terrain roughness, 85020
Spectral Density for Longitudinal Component
effect of height and upwind terrain roughness, 85020
Turbulent Flow
Aerodynamic Heating
Boundary Layer
Falling Film Evaporation
Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Free Convection Heat Transfer
Mixed Forced-Free Convection Heat Transfer
Pressure Drop in Internal Flow
Pressure Drop in Non-Newtonian Flow
Sudden Contractions in Ducts
Turned Production Finish
Resulting Surface Roughness for Steels, 74027
effect on fatigue limit, 74027
Turning Manoeuvre
Derivation of Aircraft Performance Data from Turning Manoeuvre, TM 190
Estimation of Instantaneous Flight Performance in Climb, Level Flight or Descent
approximate thrust boundary, PERF EG8/1
rate of turn, radius and bank angle, PERF EG8/1
Program to Estimate Instantaneous and Sustained Flight Performance in Climb, Level Flight or Descent
using known drag and thrust characteristics, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
fatigue loading, 75008
Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity
temperature variation in liquid state, 66024
Twin Fins
Lift-Curve Slope
Sideforce Due To Sideslip (Yv or Cy β)
see also
Static Aeroelasticity
Contribution to Lift-Dependent Drag of Swept Wings, 96025
Contribution to Zero-Lift Pitching Moment of Wings, 87001
Effect on Conditions for Leading- and Trailing-Edge Separation on Wings, 88030
Effect on Maximum Lift of Wings Without High Lift Devices, 89034
Effect on Zero-Lift Angle of Attack of Wings, 87031
Spanwise Distribution
effect on trailing vortex drag with or without trailing-edge flaps deployed, 01007
program for effect on spanwise load distribution on wings in subsonic flow, 95010
Wing Contribution to Rolling Moment Due to Yawing
Rolling Moment Due To Yawing (Lr or Clr)
Twist and Mini-Twist
Standard Fatigue Loading Sequences
Two-Phase (Gas- or Vapour-Liquid) Flow
see also
Boiling Flow in Pipes
Condensing Flow in Pipes
Condensing Flow Over Low-Finned Tubes
Heat Exchangers
Pipes with Internal Flow
Pressure Drop in Gas- or Vapour-Liquid Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Liquid Internal Flow
Reflux Condensers
Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchangers
Calculation of Diameter in Constant Diameter Piping System
from known heat transfer, mass flow rate and pressure drop, 78018
worked example under choking conditions, 78018
Calculation of Mass Flow Rate in Piping System
from known heat transfer, pipe geometry and pressure drop, 78018
worked example for oil pipeline, 78018
Calculation of Pressure Loss in Straight Pipes
from known heat transfer, mass flow rate and pipe geometry, 78018
worked example for vertical boiler tube, 78018
Choking Conditions
estimation, 78018
table of values for steam-water mixtures, 76018
Discussion of Forms of Flow Instability, 78018
Discussion of Occurrence of Choking, 78018
Drift-Flux Model With Empirical Correction, 88014
use to predict gravity component of pressure loss, 88014
Estimation of Pressure Loss in Pipe Fittings
bends, orifice plates, sudden contractions and valves, 89012
effect of flow regime and orientation on accuracy, 89012
Estimation of Pressure Recovery in Sudden Expansions, 89012
Flow Patterns, FMI2
effect on accuracy of pressure loss estimation in pipe fittings, 89012
illustration of annular, bubbly, churn and slug flow, FMI2
prediction of transition from annular to churn flow, 88014
Taitel and Dukler prediction of annular, bubble, intermittent (plug/slug), stratified, 01014
use in selection of best prediction method for pressure loss in horizontal pipes, 01014
Guide to Calculation Procedures, 78018
Guide to Variables Affecting Flow, FMI2
Two-Phase (Solid- or Droplet-Liquid) Flow
Non-Newtonian Fluids
Pipes with Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Liquid Internal Flow
Tropical Storms
Tyre-Ground Contact Area
Centre of Pressure
definition, 16008
movement on wet surface, TM 211
Loss of Contact Between Tyre and Runway Surface Due to Planing, 15003, 15009
Pressure Under Tyre Footprint on Wet Surface, TM 211
Aircraft Tyres
Friction Coefficient
Planing of an Aircraft Tyre, 15003
Tyre Spray
Aircraft Tyres
Impingement Drag

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