ESDU A-Z Index: Q-QZ

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| Q-QZ |

Methods for Definite Integrals
adaptive method choosing appropriate abscissae intervals, 85046
application to multiple integrals, 85046
application when integrand or limit has singularity, 85046
errors involved, 85046
program for adaptive method (double integral, definite inner and outer limits), 85046
program for adaptive method (double integral, variable inner and definite outer limit), 85046
program for adaptive method (single definite integral), 85046
use of Gauss-Hermite method or Gauss-Laguerre formulae, 85046
use of Newton-Cotes or Gauss-Legendre formulae, 85046
Quartz Thermometry
Temperature Measurement
Representation of Aircraft Attitude Angles
in conversion of accelerations and velocities between axes systems, 98024
use in determining aircraft motion in earth axes from measurements in body axes, 98024

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| Q-QZ |